
He probably knew that most black people couldnt afford the membership. And the extreme few that could wouldn’t want to. I’ve played and even eaten at golf clubs that I wasn’t a member of. Membership gives you a discount and the ability to network with others who like to frivolously waste money. So most people see no

So great you added that gif. I saw the Dallas concert, and there was a rumor floating around that there may be a special guest. Of course, with the aftermath of the Ariana Grande concert, I wasn’t thinking negatively, especially since we have a heavy gun culture, but I kept joking about how cool it would be if MC Skat

I used to live south of D.C. as a kid. Our school had heating but NO AC. If it gets 100 degrees there now, then there MUST be something to this global warming thing after all.

At least she didn’t move there only to complain about all the other people after her moving there, and fighting tooth and nail to stop it. ...but I’m sure it will happen eventually. If not, then she’ll just move to my town and do it. We, like most towns, also have ice cream trucks, but they don’t turn the jingles off

Modern day slavery? It would just be a bunch of dirt poor people working long hours for less than minimum wage. They would be black, white, Hispanic, whatever. It essentially would be like the late 19th century North, which technically wasn’t “slavery” since they believed you had the freedom to walk away, whether that

“He hates woman.”

“non-Christian families”

I recall during Obama’s first term, hearing several people, in person, voice their hatred towards him signing the $700 billion bailout. He hadn’t even won the election yet, and was already being blamed for it. That, and being a Kenyan Muslim.

“we are giving young people more time to develop a maturity and better understanding of how dangerous smoking can be.”

There’s gotta be something else going down, like some crazy gerrymandering. I was so sure that with an idiot like Trump running for office, our state would turn back to blue. While the cities may be largely democratic, I just don’t see it. Dallas county is blue, but neighboring counties, Tarant (Ft Worth), Denton,

They didnt have the diagnosis until Obamacare. Before then, they were healthy. I’d be upset too if a Kenyan Muslim mulato gave me a potentially fatal disease. It’s like going to a hospital. You know how many people die in hospitals? So why make it easier for people to go? I mean, my aunt recently suffered a stroke.

I think what’s most depressing is the fact that Palin has more experience running a government than Trump!

The only way to Make America Great Again is by destroying everything and starting from scratch. How will citizens know just how good we had it, and just how great we will have it, if we don’t first learn how bad things can be. The Trump Administration is essentially that obnoxious step dad that donates all your shit

$500k a year is considered a legitimate salary if after salaries, and overhead, the organization still contributed some portion to the actual cause. The higher the portion, the more trustworthy it is. To think of all the $300-500k salaries these people earn is nothing at all compared to this guy is just flat out

They’re already being raped, abused and neglected in foster care. Clearly staying in the system Im paying taxes for is better than the alternative. WWJD?

Why haven’t they been brought before the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities, blacklisted, and hanged?

Don’t forget. He’s also helped lose our trust in capitalism. So them commie bastards found a way to make Americans hate our core beliefs - democracy and capitalism. Two broken systems that don’t work.

Which is why we’ve all turned our utility closets into screaming rooms.

But did they vote for Hillary? I come from a red state, extremely red, but it didn’t used to be. I was so sure that Trump was such a horrible candidate that this would be the turning point. Texas would go back to blue. We have the worse medical rates, and before Obamacare, highest uninsured. And our entire economy is

I come from a state that has the highest infant mortality rate. If I did not have weekly care during the last two months of my pregnancy, I would have either lost my child, myself, or both of us. I was 32.5 weeks, so thankfully, not a premie, but I didn’t even know I had dangerously high blood pressure. I was only