
Jesus didn’t voice an opinion, but Leviticus did. He said a lot of things. Yet somehow it’s ok to eat pork, shellfish, and mix meat and dairy. This is what bothers me. You can’t go around bible thumping if you don’t even want to follow ALL of the rules some ancient dead guy said. The anti gay community better stay

I guess that if they had an answer, it would be WWMaryD? Jesus was born to a poor family. Joseph wasn’t even his biological father, and Mary supposedly kept her legs closed and STILL wound up pregnant. If that family had the ability to have an abortion, should they?

Kinja mobile has been broken for months. You think they don’t know? Or care?

“I never thought leopards would eat MY face” sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating Faces party... it not odd that the poorest of states tend to also be hard core republicans? I don’t get it, The South would benefit the most from a liberal government yet routinely vote against it.

Government wants you dead before the age of 62. If they can eliminate certain groups of people they don’t like, then they don’t have to worry about straight white middle class Christians.

We didn’t even have sexual education in my school. We knew where babies and STDs came from. We weren’t stupid. Anyone that ended up with one probably were of the “it will never happen to me” belief.

I was born in 1982. I wouldn’t know anyone with AIDs until the 21st century, but despite my youth, I still remember the PSAs and even a movie trying to teach people that AIDs wasn’t cooties. You can’t get AIDs by breathing the same air. And people who weren’t even homosexual, needle sharers, even children, could get

Climate is changing due to ocean waters, is like saying someone didn’t die from smoking, they died from lung cancer. Well... ...yeah. You lose your home and possessions in a flood, the insurance company isn’t going to say the loss was due to “climate change.”

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Didn’t she disgrace America once before?

Right. An actual witch hunt. Sounds like more Fake News to me.

Yeah, and if evolution is real, why am I not seeing it now? /s

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Catholics don’t count. That’s why last century everyone was hating on Italians and the Irish.

I agree with everything you say, but here’s what I don’t get. He “stole” a poster. What was the value of that poster? So how many resources were spent on jailing him, the trial, medical needs, food, etc? I know they may make some money off his labors, but I can’t help but see it costing them a whole lot more. But then

In the kid’s defense, he might not have even been born yet when that happened. If he was, then clearly he was too young to have such a memory.

Tour of WWII Germany while wearing a Star of David. Let’s say this kid did truly steal the poster. That’s his star. Basically poking the bear to see if he could get away with it.

“women are offered a bonus of $10.50 if they don’t take a day off for menstruation.”

“We’re going to need a bigger boat”