Emmitt's Malapropisms

Unlike the sideshows that will follow Wiggins and Parker, Capela will be attending the draft unaccompanied.

Doesn't every team need a batboy?

Hell yes I read that whole thing in Tim Kurkjian's voice.

Say what you will about Tim Kurkjian, but by god, If everyone in our country loved each other with the same genuine passion and optimism as Tim Kurkjian has for baseball, I strongly believe we would not have any crime in our society.

Why do people insist on doing completely idiotic things such as watching a scoreless Jets v. Bills game?

Ugh, he makes me want to apologize to Ryan Lochte.

Norwood: "Is this your shit here?"

You wouldn't type slowly if you could use more than your index fingers, sir.

Which week?

This is a dumb and bad opinion.

You watched the entire segment? Obviously not. He's not ranting about Brazil, you fucking child. He's ranting about FIFA, and how shitty they run things, which is almost as shitty as your ability to listen to what the fuck your watching. The only reason Brazil was brought up is because it is the current location

The United States is a nation of 320 million people. Qatar is a nation of 2 million people.

True, and now for the context. That's 2 per day out of over 300 million, the population of Qatar is around 2 million. So 1 per day in Qatar is the equivalent of over 150 per day in the US.

Because Al Jazeera content tends to be head and shoulders above anything else available on the American airwaves with the possible exceptions of PBS and BBC World.

You're an idiot. It's much harder to craft a 13 minute monologue on one topic than quick throwaway jokes about a dozen topics. How bad is your attention span?

Don't forget the old-school greats like Willie MeowCovey, and Juan Meowrichal!

Purrby Pucket

Ryne Sandbox

CC Tabbythia

Actually, the way that the US matches are spread out, you pretty much have to fly to 3 different cities in Brazil. Buses won't be feasible. It's a huge country. Taking a bus from Manaus to Recife for example, would be like taking a bus from Atlanta to Phoenix...thru the Amazon.