Emmitt's Malapropisms


"Yeah, GIFs! Yeah, GIFs!"

"Now who's going to slice?!?!"

"What if I trade you this autographed ball for your number?"

No corporations are going to be lining up to pay them money out of high school.

It's true I saw it in a recent Swiffer WetJet commercial.

Must have Benabbad decision to take his shirt off.

"I'd like to cancel my season tickets to the Astros."

This isn't really a surprise. I've been a Celtics season ticket holder for 20 years, and according to the guys in my section every NBA referee is gay.

Maybe you should stop dating beverages.

I honestly don't get the bat flip thing. He is just tossing his bat a little higher than normal after a ball that he crushed. I pitched in college at a small school and there were some people that would do it and it never bothered me unless they tried to stare me down or taunt me. Most of the time I was the one who

All the racists on the Internet must have the weirdest boner right now.

Here we go again. Another pathetic attempt by the lamestream media who are trying to take away our guns. They only published half of what Devonte said!

Looks about right.

If they're giving you a cable box then why not just use it?

"Are we going to a club?"

If this is the honest version then why is Michael Jordan tipping?

If nobody sees it have you really made anything?

To be fair, this is how white people reacted to the red wedding and that's not even real.

Q. "Mr. Tendulkar, what is your reaction to the #WhoisMariaSharapova Twitter hashtag?"