
Don’t do it. Look at my (avatar’s) hair. You wanna look like and old grandmother, huh? HUH?*

Look, if perpetuating this myth means I get out of camping in the wilderness, I will perpetuate this shit FOR.EVER. Fight me.

Yay, baby! Serving Future Alum Realness. 13/10.

**Catalina update**

***Baby Jezebel cheeks***

Baby Jezebel! Oh yeah, we’re SWANGin’!

Yay, jezzie baby! I missed her last week.

Brag/accomplishment thread! My brag is I’M DONE WITH GRAD SCHOOL!!! I submitted the last of my coursework today! So to celebrate I made a peach-blueberry pie with tons of crumble on top and I’m having the most amazing burger rn. I put TWO slices of cheese on it because fuck it. Lots of wine. Brag here everyone! Let’s

Same for me most of this week. Curses.

But your baby is a joy to watch!

Picturing SNS baby walking... OMG soooooo cute!! OK, it’s not quite the same, but thanks for the update!

Congrats! Today we went to a farm and fed apples to some long-horned cows and baby lambs. Super sweet except that my 19 month on is now TERRIFIED of sheep and when I asked her about them tonight she looked around and shouted “No, NO!!” and then burst into tears. Kids, man.

I’m having the same issue with the photos, I wanted to post the dog we’re adopting tomorrow. You go baby Umbra! Can you link to another image hosting site?

What?! Some needs to get this fixed STAT!!! I need walking baby pics.

Noooooo!!!! Damn you kinja!!!

she proved that pregnancy couldn’t stop her from winning her 23rd Grand Slam! I don’t even know what a grand slam is but am certain it’s an incredible feat.

I’m pretty sure a guy could still get me to crush on him just by putting an arrow through his hat.

I miss having a little guy that size! Waaahhhhhh!

OMG I love that dress I want a matching one.