
I gave birth last Saturday, when I was only 25 weeks along, because my high blood pressure turned into preeclampsia and then HELLP syndrome in a matter of days. Original plan was to keep me at the hospital for as many weeks as possible before delivery, but my labs turned bad and then worse and doctors think I would

Baby Jezebel is sucha kid now. She looks like she’s gonna cook something for us.

I eloped yesterday! It was small and quick as hell and awesome.

Advice needed!

took me an embarrassingly long time

I came for the tattooed, shaggy-haired baby face and interesting voice, but I’ll stay for the progressive feminism.

Why is he a douche? Just because he bangs lots of models? Doesn’t necessarily make Him shallow. Settling down and monogamy aren’t for everyone. He seems pretty honest and open about his hedonistic bachelorhood lifestyle so I don’t get the hate.

I know Leo is a total douche, but y’all, I rewatched Romeo+Juliet for the first time in years the other night, and good lord, he was SO PRETTY. And Claire Danes, the goddess of the 90s. Sigh...

HOW did you keep the beautiful wreath on her head? Did she rip it off right after this picture was taken or is there some trick I need to know????

I will eat the baby

This looks amazing! Happy birthday to your sweet lil baby!


WHAT is that hedgehog thing?? It looks so cool!

Adorable birthday party Baby Jezebel. I love her.

She and her party are so pretty! I like her foxy toy fox ;)

I want to eat everything including the baby!

OMG, so adorable. I’m starting to live for these photos every week. And her cake and stuff is so elegant!

All of that looks gorgeous!

Shocked gopher still is.

Teefers! (She’s a cutie!)