
One of the best things to emerge in parenting in the last twenty to thirty years is men becoming more involved with their kids. It’s so great to see dads picking up and dropping off their kids at school, coming to conferences, etc. and being affectionate with their children. Things aren’t perfect and there are huge

Jesus, you scared me for a minute there.

OMG look at those cheeks! She sounds like she has quite the little personality.

Yay, ragdoll love! They are so so sweet and docile.

Aaahh such a cutie!!!!!!! She looks so much like my twin nieces who are a month older than her. Also well done you for donating milk, my twin nieces were born early so my sister could have chemo and they relied on the hospital milk bank so the babies could feed while they were in with my sister.

She is a cutie! What a great smile.

I though Quinn Morgandorfer said that quote?

As an autistic, fuck this guy. This bullshit about autism and vaccines always infuriates me. It always comes down to the belief that a dead child is preferable to an autistic one.

I generally recommend that any child diagnosed with autism not receive any more vaccines.

Can’t really blame companies for not wanting to get into the daycare business. It’s not only expensive but there is opening up to liability. And they are devoting all these resources to something that isn’t their main function.

Remember, kids: Midterm elections exist and they matter. Get out and vote this year, and then do it again in 2018.

I scrolled to your picture, and (before I read your comment) thought, “Wow, she looks like she’s teething.” Poor baby! And poor you! It’s rough, isn’t it?! Nothing helpful to add, other than solidarity. May the teeth pop out, and may we both have a long, deserved nap soon.

Sorry you’re stuck in this phase. I sympathize from the opposite end of the spectrum; mine decided he only wants to drink straight from the tap and now my life is planned in three hour increments.

Your baby is so adorable!!

Don’t be hard on yourself for one. Teething is the worst and her gums might be sore :(. Teething tablets can help, but what worked was wetting a washcloth and freezing it and letting them gnaw on the washcloth.

I hope the replies from fellow mothers will help you. I have nothing to add in that regard but just wanted to say what an adorable little sober judge she is! Great photo. Best of luck with her teething!

Poor momma! I second the teething tablets. My son turned 2 today and hes still nursing (aggressively, lol) and those redic homeopathic tablets helped so much. I sincerely doubt that there’s any real ‘medicine’ in there, but the sensation of them dissolving helped my dude tremendously. So much that he remembered the

Sorry! I just saw the pic and didn’t read your sad message. I am so sorry she is not nursing right now. I would be a mess too. There are lactation consultants at my hospital who are ah-mazing! Might they be an option for you?

Another nursing momma here. My guy is 13 months now and teething doesn’t seem to bother him as much as it did when the first teeth came in around 8 months. When it was at its worst, his Doctor reasoned that nursing takes much stronger sucking than drinking from a bottle, and when teething the added pressure from

AHH!!!! Those cheeks tho!!!!!