
A Roman walks into a bar and asks for a Martinus.

"A false sense of accomplishment" is what you get when you distill a PhD down to its purest form :3

What's the worst thing Willie Nelson can say to you after you've just given him a blowjob?

How many ears does Captain Kirk have?

The left ear.
The right ear.

Ugh. I hated him at first and was totally not into his whole deal but then in the show he's basically become the best, most relate-able character besides Shoshanna (who is Queen and deserves her own spin-off). Ergo now I find him completely hot.

You were on Kotaku?

Well, to view it consensually you would have to click on a descriptive link first. Given that's not how the comments works, I'd say that's a no.

Being non-consensually assailed with violent, graphic imagery of rape porn is not even close to the same thing as voluntarily looking at porn that appeals to you.

And he's quite premature at e-jac-u-la-ting....

I didn't even read the whole article, but the headline alone reminds me of one of my coworkers. She always talks about how her husband refuses to eat vegetables as if it is an endearing quality of his. One time I had enough and said "what is he, five?" And she got really mad. But really I can't understand someone who

Nope. Sorry. I could not get past someone eating only kid foods. Its one thing to not like something but to limit your options to places you would take your kid cousin would not fly with me. I think being an adult picky eater also shows an unwillingness to adapt to change and its a pretty clear indicator that you're

Birth, a.k.a. "taking a number 3"

Please tell me this was a first date.

I have this personal opinion that if you want to be considered an adult, you cannot have more than three things that you exclude from diet based on nothing but "ehhh I don't like how it tastes/feels in my mouth." This obviously does not include medical, moral, or religiously based restrictions. Kids get to be picky

I would find this amazing, but in the past month I met a gentleman of 45 years who had never, ever eaten a bite of fish or seafood of any kind in his life. This isn't a person who grew up in a mountaintop monastery or a desert. He didn't even dislike seafood. He just had no knowledge of it whatsoever. How is that even

I have a tattoo on my navel that says "Cardi Life". You'll never see it though because of the layers of sweaters.

NOTHING. We are supposed to wrap ourselves in clouds and subsist on sunlight and moonbeams for 9 months EVEN THOUGH IT'S FORTY WEEKS WHICH IS LONGER THAN THAT. We are also supposed to not smell, sweat, lift anything ever, fart, stretch, waddle, get zits, and we are definitely not supposed to talk about mucus plugs and

For Chrissakes, can we stop it already with the "I played outside all the time alone when I was a child, and I turned out okay" bullshit?

1) The headline is needlessly sensationalist. It makes it sound like the mom let her kid play in the backyard by herself while mom worked inside or some shit. Or that she let her daughter ride her bike around the neighborhood for 30 minutes.