
How about: Decided on Monday that you want to get married on Tuesday. Find old Easter dress in closet, and a green sweater to coordinate with hubby to be Army uniform. Realize that you have freakish number of green cardigans. Go to quaint small town courthouse, and are very excited about the ambiance. Then are told

I understand that silence is not consent. I understand that "yes" is consent. It's something I practice in all of my own sexual encounters since my own sexual assault and education on what happened and how I was not at fault for it.

However, I think it's important that we recognize that we, as a culture, are not yet

I understand where you're coming from with that question about when to step in though.

Ok. I'm going to use small words and easy concepts here. See if you can follow:

No, the Stanford-Binet is just an intelligence (IQ) test. Taking a test like that would generally be part of the diagnostic process for dyscalculia/dyslexia/any other learning disorder, but that's because part of the point of those disorders is that your performance in a particular area is far below what would be

The ignorant insults of an anonymous hateful person are just noise.

ugh that second story makes me feel sick, and I'm not talking about the incredibly horrible rapey dude bros. if I heard a restaurant had pulled something like that, no matter how deserved, I'd never go back. Such juvenile stunts at work don't make me feel comfort trusting you to prepare and handle my food. I'm a

My brain thinks the first half of the first sentence of the first story should actually read, "Way way back in the 1980s" but my brain is also a dick bag who won't stop singing the rest of the song, so we should just ignore her.

I'm happy for Lena Headey, she deserves the nomination (even if she's going to lose to Anna Gunn), but where the fuck is Pedro Pascal's nom for Guest Actor?! Really now? Diana Rigg was hardly in it this season! Other than Dinklage, he's the only other GoT actor who stood a chance at winning this year.

I'm sorry to disappoint, but this straight lady is already in a marriage with a dude and a dog.

Everybody at the Daily Mail is Rita Skeeter

I can see why distribution of household tasks and parenting might be more equitable with same sex partners, but I also think a major factor in why their kids do measurably better is the fact that same sex couples have to be proactive and have their shit together to become parents in general, while that is not

If men could get pregnant, there would free birth control vending machines on every corner.

IUDs aren't more popular because medical professionals won't let most of us have them. At age 26 I asked my Gyn for an IUD. She flat out refused because I hadn't been pregnant before. I got discouraged and gave up. I understand it is easier insertion and sometimes less side effects in women who have previously

Jezebel Basic

GOD. DAMNIT, GRAVITY! Stop injuring Liam Neeson's family's brains!

What an opportunity for Lohan's understudy.

They're handling it much better than I would if a dog came up to me and started talking.