
Actually, corporations need to not look at unions as opponents. The Europeans work it really well, but then again their capitalists are a bit more caring about people and realize that good workers are happy and well paid workers. American capitalists would be happy to pay their workers a dollar an hour and bitch about

You’re no state employee. You’re a (deservedly) struggling novelist (I suppose you could be both).

While corporate charters had their place back in the day, I think it is high time for the government to only support employee owned collectives. It is the only moral position a government could possibly take. Many of the periphery systematic problems of an economic system where the owner/investor gets 100+% of the

It is fair though... unless they have a means of making cars without workers, they are going to have to be at the mercy of their scare resources.

“While unions had their place back in the day,”

That’s not the fault of the union. That is the fault of the employer for agreeing to a ridiculous contract provision.

The only reason non-union employers have similar wages and benefits to union employers is because they have to in order to draw the labor. That’s one of the side perks of unions: They keep other employers honest, too.

Um whitewashing? X-23 is LITERALLY a clone of Wolverine. An old white guy from the woods of 19th century Canada.

My take away is that it was SUPPOSED to be unnerving. It’s even believable if you understand her character at the time it takes place:

Hey, I’m not judging, but if you saw a physically, mentally, sexually and emotionally abused girl (which describes early-to-mid-2000s Laura pretty well) and your first thought was “Man, I’ve got the weirdest boner right now”, maybe the problem lies with you. I’m just saying.

Basically, B5 was pitched to Paramount at some point, and then not long after DS9 was greenlit. I don’t see much of a problem here, as the creators of DS9 were never exposed to the B5 pitch, so I think it’s just a case of execs passing on an idea, and then going with a similar one down the road that’s attached to an

States can’t secede. We fought a war about this already. Jesus fucking Christ, California.

Sign the petition on whitehouse.gov to have trump release his tax returns! It’s already got ~12,000 signatures!

https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/ is still up, and the first two Trump petitions are on releasing his taxes and divestiture. Get over there quick before it’s taken down.

“An investigation by the Evanston Police Department found the use of force justified...” In other words, the police investigated themselves and found out they did nothing wrong. The fact that the victim had his own dashcam may have saved his life and his public record. I’m posting this video on my FB as we speak so my

This is pretty common for smaller fighters squaring off against larger fighters, gender ignored; I believe the luchador guy in Street Fighter has the exact same move. Any pro wrestler has probably executed or suffered a frankensteiner before, which is the same thing, minus the spinning. It’s basically about using

Umm because it’s actually kind of difficult to topple someone with greater height/reach/mass/muscle than yourself? If they punch a guy in the chest they’re aiming a little above his center of gravity and he might get knocked back, but he’s probably not going to fall over.

soooooooooo states rights until they’re doing something we don’t like?

Sounds like Conservatives’ utopia. No worker protections, or workplace regulations. People working themselves to the bone until they keel over.

It’s also quite possible that the normalization of sex through porn also leads to more openness about sex, leading to healthier, more fulfilling relationships.