
I think it’s kinda funny how hardly anyone even tries to empathize with the guy who was stranded alone for a friggen year. A human who has no human contact for a year is going to go crazy(literally crazy) and should probably be excused if he maybe doesn’t exactly think of consent when he wakes up someone else so he

Doesn´t seem so different from someone who loves to write “muppet”, “fuck” and “shit” in every comment and then hits Publish. Because, hey, nonsensical ranting is all the rage right now, just for the (fucks) sake of doing it.

It is because this “article” is “written” by a muppet who spends his day copying and pasting bullshit and hitting “post”.

A black guy in charge of anything is tyranny to those people.

Yeah, those dudes in Boston back in in the 1700's didn’t start anything meaningful with their rabble-rousing...

We all know it’s really about punishing women for having sex, though, right?

You’re asking people who think that Donald Trump will be an awesome President to think logically. It won’t happen. The invisible man in the sky says that people shouldn’t touch their naughty bits to each other, period. Unless they vow to a virgin man in a dress that they will live together forever and make babies.

If they recognized the politicians as the reason they aren’t wealthy, in spite of all their promises, the Republicans would have fallen out of power years ago.

OMG Marvel. Stop trying to make the Inhumans happen. It’s not going to happen.

It’s Florida, where nothing works rightly.

Donald Trump retreating to his safe space as much as possible because the white house scares him sounds like the definition of triggered.

DC really should start calling itself “BATMAN! and some other characters”

Why should they do AoT?Japan already did with an all Japanese cast.

Ghost in the Shell was pretty Blade Runnery. As was the Matrix. Full circle perhaps.

It doesn’t matter what Trump said (ever, in fact). Pence, McConnell, and Ryan are running the country.

Her mind is japanese. Her body is a mass produced military android. “Race” isn’t really about skin color in GITS.

but he’s not a successful businessman. If fact, everything he’s done on his own has been an abject failure. His focus is going to be figuring out ways to funnel public money into his pockets.

“No. Why would you need such a thing on a laptop?”

Not just size and walkability, but also political history. Older European cities were, for long periods of time, walled fortress cities. This also shifted how people approached the settling of cities.