
I have no clue where you learned your “economics,” but you are absolutely wrong about companies having ancillary effects on joblessness and housing prices. The evidence against this is laid bare in Detroit and even more deeply in the areas of Appalachia where manufacturing and mining operations carved out small towns

There’s a bit of irony in people thinking “ghetto” belongs to the black community.

When those costs have nothing to do with the issue but are instead foisted upon the USPS (and only the USPS) by Republican legislation designed to cripple the service and buttress idiotic privatization arguments from the robber barons.

I need you to know that Americans will always say that things that are not from the US are better than things in the US.

It is not a mark of quality, it is just the fact that Americans are so sure of their superior culture that - when met with something better - they believe that anything that isn’t that culture is

There were some human-twi’lek kids in The Clone Wars too (although unlike Jacen, they ended up with those head-tail thingies).

The author’s a Libertarian asshole with a thing for S&M (which comes through in his books), and a desire to write stories about a male Mary Sue-ish character.

To be fair, consumer industries that sell physical products (every single one) perform a fairly extensive FMECA on new products during development that would definitely include things like “User GUI unable to respond to inputs” especially on a product that has a single GUI to control dozens of features.

Because humans could go out and make their own iron man suit. people don’t mind something as much when they think they have a chance at doing the same. Nothing they can do about not being born with power however so they hate that.

A bunch of white people are running around in multiplayer online games speaking in broken pretend African for comedic purposes, and one of the main catchphrases from that mockery is now being put into text memes.

It’s not like it’s a surprise. All mammals drink milk. And humans have been making cheese since forever. You can paint it in as weird an image as you like, but there’s nothing strange about drinking another animal’s milk at all.

It’s just a way for someone to feel superior, maybe? It falls apart completely under logic, but people who say it don’t necessarily adhere to logic.

An opinion is an opinion, and you’re far from alone in not liking this movie, but did we really need to know who Snoke was?

Why does Snoke’s backstory matter? We don’t know Obi-Wan’s backstory, and it makes not a whit of difference. Ditto for Yoda. Every i and t does not need to be dotted and crossed.

It’s that how the internet blog writer opinion mafia wants me to think of it? Sorry, not gonna oblige. There are far, far grosser things described in that book.

There’s always a point: to sell comics.

Um. I ....can’t say I condone it, but I did notice something in here: You’ve driven past this statue 300 times now, and you didn’t even knew it existed. Now that you do, you’re bitching about it. For those 300 times, this statue did absolutely nothing to you or for you. It took Charlottesville for you to get

I loved Skyline. That jet making it through to nuke the big ship? Man. I like isolated flicks like that, I just considered it another surviving members of an apocalypse story. Didn’t think BIG HUGE SCIFI WEEEE.

Honestly, I actually enjoyed the Skyline. It was stupid but fun; like the plot to an 80's video game.

Don’t kill me but I liked the first movie.

TFW you realize the Feminist Left is as puritanical as the Christian Right.