
Because certain fans get to be entertained with nostalgic fan service without having to deal with future issues like trans-Klingon captains and the proper verbs to use when referring to them/they.

MMm yeah, and what about when you drop your physical phone and want to pop your SIM into a burner for a couple of weeks while your new phone gets delivered? Is eSIM transferable? What’s the process involved? Do you have to keep all that paperwork around forever and if so how is that saving you space or making things

I doubt I’ll ever find this in a yard sale for $0.50.

Unfortunately a lot of people do ask and get shut down. Found out you’re part time but you’ve been doing the job of someone senior over you and ask to fill the position? Nope, we’d rather keep you PT, ie, we don’t want to pay your compensation and we’re holding the position for one of our frat bros anyway.

It has certainly meant less snow over a period of weeks and shifted to 1 or 2 massive snow storms in certain areas. There are other areas that will get little to no snow at all.

I always thought theaters didn’t cross merchandise enough on their big tentpole films.. Got a Disney film? Have the toys and other merch too so kids can buy as soon as the movies over. Movie based on a book? Have the books for sale at the ticket counter so you can compare the versions later.

Which, when true, is it’s own problem. If a commercial vehicle at that weight needs to be taxed higher to compensate for damage it does to the roads, then equal weighted private vehicles should absolutely be taxed similarly.

Baby eats living squid creatures, nobody gives a damn.

There are a lot of areas inside big cities where certain trucks are not allowed..  which is usually ignored.  Especially by SUV owners who want to treat their vehicle like a Honda Civic when it weighs as much as a commercial delivery truck or more.

Oh, there’s things he can do about that. Be the high lord of pettiness whenever possible. For one, divert their budget. Hard to hold court in a building with no power or water. Reassign their security and declare it as a cost savings measure due to debt when Republicans complain. Have the building closed for

Or he heard about the colorization completely in context and is just using it to keep himself in the news cycles.

Over many years I have come to the conclusion that Republicans and conservatives in general are hypocritical bizarro world people. Whenever they talk about “freedom” it sounds suspiciously like fascism. They show “snowflakes!” yet they are the most easily offended people. They whine about “cancel culture” and then

Honestly, to me switching to use of paper in these instances is both far more sustainable, since paper is highly recycled and easy to source, and it’s a waste of petrochemicals to make stupid straws and lids out of it.

That has always been my underlying problem with Superman. You have a whole planet full of schmoes, not all of them are scientists, some are just janitors right? They KNOW a yellow sun = space god. But they hang around Krypton watching it all blow up. Like, NOBODY ever colonized a yellow sun system just to be the

The main problem I have with “use tax” or internet sales tax is that if I were to say buy a dishwasher in Tennessee and then drive it back to my home state, my home state doesn’t get to collect sales taxes on it. They don’t get to collect sales taxes on it if I just ship it back home either. So functionally, buying a

That’s because these photos have little to do with sex. It’s about power, demeaning the woman and exerting dominance over them. Owning them.

The safe route for Rouge One would’ve been to find a way...

Goodkind’s “stories” exist to promote his Libertarian world views, so yeah, they’re not full of fleshed out characters.

You’re not missing much. His works are thinly veiled Libertarian propaganda.

There is nothing that Batman supposedly can do that Jackie Chan hasn’t already done, at least physically.