
The only reason foreign automakers have moved assembly into the US is because every now and then we get a president who threatens tariffs. The Japanese learned that lesson in the 80's.

i do like weekends. but i also like overtime pay when i work weekends.

If you want someone to blame, blame the government for weak oversight of laws they should enforce, like OHSA and the minimum wage.

“Why on earth would anybody need a union?”

The reason Unions pressured the Big 3 to fund their damn pension plans is because they all raided their plans in the 80's and screwed their workers. They broke their contracts and you would have no sympathy for them if they violated a contract with anyone else, but Americans seem to give corporations a pass whenever

You seem unaware that Toyota, for one, keeps a draft of contract workers at their plants who are on a 7 day a week on-call schedule. Also that Toyota, Nissan, Mercedes, BMW & VW all have strong unions in the plants in their home countries. The lesson being that companies will treat workers the way the law allows,

True fact: He’s having his Mar-A-Lago manager help redecorate the White House...

Retard? You’re the one trying desperately hard to paint a moral equivalence between a racist monster who organizes violence against others for no reason other than their skin color with an 8 year old killed by a military attack. That you even see them as equal is retarded.

In other words, he deserved to die because he expressed his feelings...

Mmmm no, totally willing to be a hypocrite here. Fuck this guy and everyone else in his special snowflake kkklub. And fuck you for trying to be a smug bastard.

It’s not like Melania was going to go. She’s staying the hell away from the presidential dumpster fire.

... we know you meant hucows....

We should have the right to leap through the deserts sporting giant clams!!

The fun thing about all of this, is Texas had like 8 petitions to secede every year of Obama’s presidency, but nobody ever really took them seriously.

The old union saying, “don’t hate me for what I have but fight for yourself to get what I have for yourself” is being played against them.

The Union leadership is caught between a rock and a hard place. They want better labor contracts but their members keep voting in Republican dumbasses who promise jobs. It’s like being a LGBT or just progressive kid trying to talk to your parents/grandparents about why they voted for Trump.

Republicans will never ever touch Police unions. They’re crazy, not stupid.

Honeydew is good. It’s cantaloupe that’s trash.

Why hasn’t this “nosey woman” stepped forward and apologized? She more than anyone is responsible for this shit show, she needs to step up and admit her preconceptions and likely racist motives almost got an innocent young man killed.

Just like how the President is to be respected and treated with deference when they’re a Republican, otherwise they’re to be considered a gun grabbing tyrant Muslim Hitler clone who wasn’t born here.