
Sounds like Conservatives’ utopia. No worker protections, or workplace regulations. People working themselves to the bone until they keel over.

It’s also quite possible that the normalization of sex through porn also leads to more openness about sex, leading to healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

On the other hand, everything about being a teenage male creates unrealistic sexual expectations.

We all know it’s really about punishing women for having sex, though, right?

You’re asking people who think that Donald Trump will be an awesome President to think logically. It won’t happen. The invisible man in the sky says that people shouldn’t touch their naughty bits to each other, period. Unless they vow to a virgin man in a dress that they will live together forever and make babies.

If they recognized the politicians as the reason they aren’t wealthy, in spite of all their promises, the Republicans would have fallen out of power years ago.

It doesn’t matter what Trump said (ever, in fact). Pence, McConnell, and Ryan are running the country.

but he’s not a successful businessman. If fact, everything he’s done on his own has been an abject failure. His focus is going to be figuring out ways to funnel public money into his pockets.

Honestly, the way your comment was worded I wasn’t sure.

My main issue with this is that this is not about paying artists what they’re worth (for which I am very much in favor). This is about changing the nature and purpose of rights laws to better support large corporations in the changing landscape of the internet.

That’s why I think the way people tend to talk about how a mother’s love is unending and blah blah blah is inaccurate. Mothers abuse and murder their children all the time, and I think we make it worse because we don't acknowledge it.

The baby could very well be biracial. We come in all shades and hair textures. :)

It also allows liberals to dismiss conservative talking points as “just religion” without addressing the underlying arguments. The best example I can think of is abortion. I had a discussion with a well-educated friend in his 30s, and he had never considered the fact that conservatives consider abortion murder. He was

Yeah, when they get indignant over a liberal’s condescending atheism just bring up Ayn Rand’s stance on the subject. After they recover from their seizure, then bring up her stance on abortion.

Eh from a male perspective dating women makes you feel like you’re jumping through hoops like a circus animal. First upon meeting her you might not be sure if she’s interested in you or if she wants you to go away. If you move on from here there’s only more ambiguity where you’re still not if she likes you or if she

I am male and I agree with the other commenters that either “challenging” is much too generous to describe this woman, or at best she is “challenging” in a really bad way. Perhaps an unacceptable way.

What you would call ‘challenging’ in a woman, you’d surely call at least borderline ‘abusive’ in a man. My rule; people who are ‘challenging’ should accept an equally challenging partner. This is not what I’ve read out of this. She’s been looking for a human Piñata who will simply absorb anything she levels at him.

There can be a fine line between being challenging and just being an asshole. This veered into the latter territory (and I don’t even mean the boner poke, which was just insecure and weird).

There is a difference between a tool which can kill someone but which has other purposes, and one which is good for nothing but killing people.