
Oh do piss off with your fee fees. WWI wasn’t even the first war to be called “the war to end all wars”. Some people thought the invention of the crossbow would put a stop to all conflict. It’s a stupid, naive notion of a sheltered class of people.

“Masculine” you say?

The people protesting the Dakota pipeline were not in a militia and were not heavily armed. So duh, they don’t count.

I’ve never understood how groups that complain constantly about PC this or SJW that, who make such a big deal about how “victim culture” has ruined America can be such non-ironic whiney victims at every turn.

“Young” is not a guarantee they’ll have any clue whatsoever of the actual underpinnings of computer technology. Young just means they know how to swipe left and make a meme.

Yes, it takes a lifetime to raise an entitled little princess. Can’t wait to see her on Bridezilla!

I’m pretty sure Fox owns the Brood along with the X-Men.

Honestly the effects look like the production levels of the finest YouTube video. I know this is Corman, but this looks like crap even for a Corman movie.

They have 100 Pretentious Points, redeemable at any Foodie Hipster for Street Cred and Authenticity.

In the comics JJ/LC don’t really become a permanent thing until Jessica hits rock bottom alchoholism. So it’s cool if he’s dating other women in the meantime as long as the showrunners don’t intend to skip their eventual marriage entirely, as they’re the best couple in the Marvel Universe.

Here’s the major problem: Studios aren’t licensing their content to Netflix anymore. Why? Oh, how about because while competing against Netflix on programming to start with, the networks are also owned by large cable companies who have a vested interest in keeping people on their channels and not Netflix.

A fair enough point but a movie shouldn’t leave me questioning every single thing about the plot and characters like... I need some reason to see it

Can’t wait to hear about the first cases of brains being rooted with ransomware.

If Bendis were writing it, it would ramble around for a few months not really doing anything while Bendis keeps hyping up how game changing it’s going to be and then 2 crossover events later we’re told all the awesome happened during a time skip and it was so grim dark awesome sauce that they can’t tell us about it.

It’s interesting that you forget or are just glossing over that a federal judge said the Hogan video was newsworthy. Hogan and Thiel just kept shopping his case around till he found a court to go along with him.

Never read Jane Eyre?

You do realize... actually I guess you don’t. These movies aren’t made for you. Oh sure you like them, and Disney is happy for your money. Their target audience though is under 10, will watch the movie 1,000,000 times and demand to see the sequals. ALL of the sequals, even the direct to home video ones. They’ll demand

Hey, you know what life doesn’t have? Closure.

King of all cheeses? Try some Stilton.