
Well hey look at that. IT’S ON THE INGREDIENT LIST, so no adulteration here then.

One, as you were honest enough about cellulose being harmless, I’ll be honest that you can probably buy an ungrated wedge of parmesan. Still likely comes from the same company that sells the grated kind in the plastic bottle though.

Most Americans don’t have access to whole wheels of cheese. We get what’s packaged in the grocery store, and most of us for better or worse grew up with pre-grated Parmesan that was introduced to parents and grandparents who were new to Italian food.

more alarmingly, cellulose, an anti-clumping agent made from wood pulp

your comment seems more of an effort to justify feeding your kid crap than any sort of real rebuttal.... just skip McD’s and make them a lunch. Pretty sure you could make it healthier with out a lot of effort.

I’d be terrified the pressure would crush the babies skull!

He’s a German car appropriating Japanese samurai car culture!

On the flipside of your argument, he’s safe in Chicago while his wife is in a high crime unsanitary hell hole, possibly being targetted for kidnapping. He should have gone with her, just for support.

As Stilt-Man says, it’s the 21st Century, she can be Iron-Man if she wants to be.

Yo.. you forgot Monica Rambeau.

If you’re gonna complain about whitewashing, at least pick the right Captain Marvel to root for...

Now playing

Where’s my Retro New Wave festival movie???

The funny sad thing is that everyone who ripped into the Ghostbusters remake will let a movie like this just slide by them. It’s kind of disgusting.

Moms now loooove to play the martyr role when it comes to being a mom.

Remind me, but didn’t the Jedi pretty much ignore the rampant slavery that exists in the galaxy? Because a philosophy that can do that is not what would make the world a happier place. Repression of emotion is not dealing with your emotion, it’s just delaying the emotion bomb.

I love how you keep twisting things to match your narrative. Now somehow I don’t find your argument believable, or that trying to emphasize a point in bold that you keep glossing over is being emotional.

Is it important for you to deny sexism in this case? Why? I’m honestly curious why the absence of sexism from this case would be appealing for you.

No, it’s not. I said exactly what I meant to say, corporate theft of ideas is not a gender issue.

The fact that you immediately bring this argument to “the womyns” tells a lot about your point of reference.