
Brunnhilde’s always been “the” Valkyrie. Dani Moonstar is just “a” Valkyrie.

Edris Elba could convincingly play the lead in Powder. What’s your point?

Actually, no. Brünnhilde wasn’t from ancient Germany. Brünnhilde wasn’t from ancient anywhere, because Brünnhilde was fictional.

Oh, I’m not calling you a racist because I disagree with you!

I love when people on the internet call me racist because I don’t agree with them. Anyway, I feel it’s a shame your actress will get shoehorned into a role for one movie when she could have been any number of characters in the hopefully much larger Wakandan tapestry when Black Panther starts branching out.

One, way way too much thought for the internet.

Why, specifically in your mind, is Misty Knight required to be black? Because to me if you’re open to reinterpretations of all the characters, there’s no real reason Misty couldn’t be white or asian or latina.

Brunnhilde was human, not Asgardian, and from ancient Germany. It is established cannon that Valkyries can be of other races/religions though, as Danny Moonstar is a Valkyrie, so really they could have made this actress any Valkyrie without hijacking this specific character.

I am also pleased by this, but I’m going to go ahead and pretend I hadn’t noticed because IMO the goal is for diversity in casting to get so normalised that it isn’t even remarkable any more. Like when the first idiot complains that they’re changing the race, I wanna say “oh did they? I hadn’t noticed!”

I can’t wait to see your reaction to Wakanda being a multicultural rainbow rather than a purely African nation. Because obviously you’d be fine with that change to the source material, right?

No, YOU implied Misty only worked as blacksploitation. I see nothing about her character that otherwise implicitly has to be black, with the exception of a wicked ‘fro.

1 of the Warriors 3 was asian, probably Mongolian. People forget Mongols did invade Europe.

Because — oh my god, am I tired of having this discussion — Misty Knight’s race is an important part of her character, her background, and who she is. Misty Knight would not be Misty Knight were she a white woman.

“Typically” depicted? Try always has been depicted as blonde.

Valkyrie’s race however is important. She was a German girl who became one of death’s Valkyries, because she worshipped the Norse gods. That’s kind of paramount there, unless you can point to large areas of Africa that were worshipping Odin somewhere.

Why is it racist to complain about changing a character from white to black? Somehow I doubt you’d be cheering for a white, Chinese or Hispanic Misty Knight.

Enchantress was on Agents of SHIELD, so the character does exist in the MCU, if someone takes the time to mention it to the director.

I’d rather she’d been included in a role that didn’t change the race of the original character. I mean, it’s really hard to look at Valkyrie and see a woman of African descent there.

Did you not notice the part where they rebooted her device? Everything had big 2D barcodes on it, no labels, no information. The VR had become so pervasive there was really no way to get around without it.