
There’s no fucking water on the moon.

A little handheld box that can let you talk to anyone in the world wirelessly was science fiction too, till they made it.

*slow clap*

A show doesn’t have to have romantic subplots to be a soap opera. Just serialized drama & conflicts. WWE thrives on soap opera.

(Wow. Typing that sentence made me realize Arrow has turned into a Soap Opera.)

FUCK YOU BLIZZARD! You stole our game to pander to the mainstream gamers and won’t even make your own vanilla and TBC progression servers. You ruined this genre and continue to shit on your original audience.

It’s been done, adorably.

More like “I’m starving! Oh, here’s some nuts that have been sitting in a barrel full of ashes that rainwater got into... what the heck, better than nothing...”

It’s not a big stretch to assume nuts on a tree = good. There are plenty of examples. The rest is hunger and trial and lots of error.

There’s this thing called “starvation”. It makes people try lots of things.

Hard to keep track anymore. T’challa’s been at war with Namor & Atlantis since the AvX mess.

Jim: Oh it has losers.

I always had issues with Black Panther, and Wakanda in general. They were essentially the Galt’s Gulch of Africa, ignoring all the injustice happening everywhere else to live all smug in their little utopia.

The Avengers killed Namor.. so kinda hard to write for him. Glad to see the Avengers continue to get away with having teams of murderers though.

Soon as I see someone say something is “SJW” I pretty much tune their bigoted nonsense out.

Look, they have to justify buying a new Himalayan pink salt slab somehow OKAY??

This movie looks like Guillermo del Toro’s remake of Tarsem Singh’s The Cell 2 (Sleeping Beauty’s Curse).

Or more accurately, Jedi look like Dr. Strange and Mordo.

You know who else has consistently been white? Danny Rand. Yet a lot of people lost their minds over the idea of a white person being cast to play him on the Netflix series, because he “appropriates Asian culture”. Not a thing was said about Stick’s casting. It’s a double standard bit of hypocrisy from Rob Bricken and