
Hey, how about how they freaked out over Danny Rand being “white washed” but said absolutely nothing about Stick being played by a white guy. Double standards all over the place.

Green Lantern, Superman Returns and Batman & Robin had shit scripts. Light and fun doesn’t have to mean bat nipples and CGI floating heads.

Geez Agnes, sorry you had to clutch your pearls there.

Same way you prosecute someone who intends to commit murder but gets caught before they can carry it out.

Except in this scenario the FBI moved into the crack house and delt real drugs from it for days.

Your analogy is interesting, but a rather large strawman just the same. The FBI is a criminal investigation agency, with laws and regulations they are held to. The FBI is constrained by the law, they do not get to break the law to defend the law. I’m sure they tell themselves that they should be allowed to though, and

They had full control of the server. They had the logs of all the prior users. Like I said, they could remove the pictures and turn the links into 404 error messages with whatever zero day virus they used to track the users back to their IP’s and let that run for a few days until word got out. They’d still catch a

Why aren’t we prosecuting the FBI for distributing child porn? THE FBI RAN A CHILD PORN SERVER!!!

The problem with your and the OP’s arguments, is that pedophiles have as much control over their sexual orientation as gay or straight people. They don’t choose to be pedophiles. So yes, lock them up, try to get them some help, but outright murder them? That’s the kind of thing psychopaths would come up with.

I think the grim dark comes from a deep nerd defensive mechanism. You love something intensely and for most of your life it gets shit on by the mainstream, and honestly a large part of it was adorkable but you want it to be taken seriously so you pick out the grimmest darkest stuff and shout “SEE THIS IS SERIOUS!”.

That seems to apply to every conservative male whenever talk turns to ‘lady bits’.

It’s not about age, there are old people who are pretty damn smart. It’s about culture and wealth. Once you get to a certain economic point, you have assistants who manage things for you and you personally no longer deal with certain facets of living. Like Bush Senior’s amazement at bar code scanners in grocery

Batman & Superman are the only characters who’ve made them tons of money because they’re the only characters who get a chance to make them tons of money.

Wow, you went mean. Did I bad touch you or something? How about you remember how to be civil and chill the fuck out.

However, fiction is an act of creativity—it is an expression of the thoughts of the person who created it. And when you write thirty, forty, fifty novels that have sequences where underage girls are overtly sexualized and have sex with much older men, and this is presented every single damn time as a natural,

So in your head, anyone who writes a story about slavery that includes the viewpoint of the slaver is “creepy”?

DAMN YOU ENGLISH!!! I thought the title said “Former Doctor Who” and I was wondering if it were Pertwee or Davison.

Let’s talk about the real problem with this show.. WHY IS STICK WHITE AND WHY DOESN’T THE INTERNETS CARE?!!?!

I’m surprised that no one mentioned by biggest gripe about Daredevil; and all of the Marvel Cinematic TV shows, WHY ARE THERE NO CROSSOVERS!?!?!? Seriously, no Jessica Jones or Luke Cage Cameo? What no SHEILD agent checking out Murdock trying to determine whether he’s an “Inhuman”?

Right! They should have compared this neighborhood with how Brazil’s Olympic area looks.