The Avengers killed Namor.. so kinda hard to write for him. Glad to see the Avengers continue to get away with having teams of murderers though.
The Avengers killed Namor.. so kinda hard to write for him. Glad to see the Avengers continue to get away with having teams of murderers though.
Soon as I see someone say something is “SJW” I pretty much tune their bigoted nonsense out.
Geez Agnes, sorry you had to clutch your pearls there.
That seems to apply to every conservative male whenever talk turns to ‘lady bits’.
It’s not about age, there are old people who are pretty damn smart. It’s about culture and wealth. Once you get to a certain economic point, you have assistants who manage things for you and you personally no longer deal with certain facets of living. Like Bush Senior’s amazement at bar code scanners in grocery…
Wow, you went mean. Did I bad touch you or something? How about you remember how to be civil and chill the fuck out.
However, fiction is an act of creativity—it is an expression of the thoughts of the person who created it. And when you write thirty, forty, fifty novels that have sequences where underage girls are overtly sexualized and have sex with much older men, and this is presented every single damn time as a natural,…
So in your head, anyone who writes a story about slavery that includes the viewpoint of the slaver is “creepy”?
DAMN YOU ENGLISH!!! I thought the title said “Former Doctor Who” and I was wondering if it were Pertwee or Davison.
Hell, David Weber’s website is copyrighted 2009 and looks like an Geocities site.
I have never seen an author release a book under a pen name that wasn’t marketed as “Author X writing as Y!!!”. I don’t know why they bother with the pen names.
Weird, I always took Xanth and the situations in it to be fantasy exaggeration of society.
Oh! DO please give us a list of who can or can’t write which stories and why. Otherwise how will the world go on??
Ummm, you do know that having a character voice something that is integral to the character isn’t the same as the author themselves indorsing an idea?
So you’re saying what, you’d be okay if he molested a boy? Such a wierd thought process in your head. “Well, at least it wasn’t a girl!”
The main character in Under a Velvet Cloak was in 500 AD. What exactly do you expect to happen to a young girl (13 was a perfectly marriageable age then) with no family support back then? Becoming a courtesan was probably one of the happier possible outcomes, at least it comes with some independence and…
Also if this main story was about a 15 year old girl getting shelter in the house of a creepy uncle type, it may not have been so jolly and uplifting and harmless.
If George R.R. Martin had written it, you’d say it was gritty realism for the time period the story was describing.
Sooo.. George R.R. Martin writes some books filled with rape, murder, underaged sex and he gets a TV series.. Piers writes a few and he’s the “creepy uncle”.
The bill also has language that handcuffs the state government’s ability to “substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a law, rule, regulation, ordinance or resolution of general applicability.”