
I understand your argument, but change “having sex for money” with “cleaning toilets for money” and does that make you feel different? Because people do a lot of grungy jobs just to live and nobody gives a damn until somebody’s getting a BJ.

Funny.. there are like, almost no comments in this thread putting down the woman who left this guy for having a small penis. Guess what, women aren’t the only people with body shame issues. If this guy had left his girlfriend for having tiny boobs or being too fat everyone here would be raking him over the coals.

I will never hear the words “Happy International Women’s Day” without my brain going straight to Deadpool ever again.

One, corporations pay higher taxes in other countries and seem to manage just fine. Also, corporations will cut their workforce regardless of what the government does, so why let that stop us from making important social changes?

Are these so-called “christians” so insecure in their faith that allowing anyone else any level of freedom or rights will somehow prevent them from practicing their religion? Is their invisible man in the sky so jealous and terrible that there is no room for anyone except the one faith?

I was thinking that with that skirt and being on a pedestal, there’s probably a billion upskirt shots on the WW statue by now.

Remember, it’s Texas, they’re probably trying to destroy the public colleges so their rich private college buddies can make more money so they are doing all this intentionally.

The X-Mansion full of alien holographic simulation technology, stealth planes and people made out of metal? Yeah, I’m sure “hi tech armor” is on the todo list...

Hey hey, we don’t want your racist #MutantLivesMatter clap trap here!

The garden of eden was a setup. You don’t make curious monkeys and put a tree full of beautiful fruit in front of them and then tell them not to touch. And they say God is omniscient, but he was surprised how that turned out? Ha!

This is Christians in general sadly. Can’t allow homosexuals because they’ll “tempt” us, can’t sell liquor on a sunday because it’ll “tempt” us, can’t have sex without procreation it’ll “tempt” us. Basically they spend all their time being tempted by the things they deny themselves and hate everyone else for enjoying.

I don’t care what race you are, nobody likes cops. We tolerate cops, but everyone EVERYONE wants them the hell away and bothering someone else. Because we know what one cop with an attitude can do to your life. Even when you do need a cop, there’s that back of the mind voice saying “are they going to believe you or

First off, fuck you and your judgement. Second, at least they’re not being put into sealed bags as phone baubles or served up with some brown sauce like Chinese would. Third, everybody everywhere likes exotic pets.

All birds poop liquid. They poop and pee from the same orifice.

“Regardless of the connection to the Zika virus, it is a fact of human existence that some children develop conditions like microcephaly, and that these children deserve to be protected and cared for throughout their lives, in accordance with our obligation to safeguard all human life, healthy and disabled, with equal

I’ve always felt that we’ll reach equality when a woman can walk into a room full of men she’s just met, greet them then say “Okay, brb, I have got to take a humungous shit. Like, serious turtle head situation here! We’ll work on that proposal when I get back.”.. then just walk out and nobody thinks it’s weird.

If you don’t want cellulose, don’t eat any vegetables, fruits or grains. Cellulose is in every plant. Fiber = cellulose.

Seriously. Stop buying grated “parmesan” “cheese”.

They’d just turn it into 30 years of “ACTIVIST JUDGES!!” and other obstructionist dickwadery. Republicans are masters of victimization.

It was more likely a Mardi Gras outfit, not a native outfit, as American Indian’s don’t tend to wear bright red fuzzy onesies traditionally. It is filmed in New Orleans after all.