
Basically a lot of the dumbass white hick fright was over the Superbowl performance, as her backup dancers were dressed similar to Black Panthers.

Counter-counterpoint: We’re now supposed to tell naturally thinner women to eat more so they can have curves like “real” women!

It’s body paint. :/

It’s been interesting reading the many many women who completely shit on thinner women as somehow being “unnatural” since Graham got this gig. How “real women have curves” and such.. which is a very Western viewpoint on beauty, as a billion Asians aren’t the curviest of women but by the feminist definition today

I’m offended that you like Coldplay. HOW DARE YOU SIR!

If they’re gonna govern by Sharia...

Considering they’re holding Cannonball back for the possible New Mutants movie/series/project, I’m just as happy with NTW. Besides, her powerset was kind of half Cannonball, half Boom Boom, like she had to charge up and then release a concussive wave rather than a continuous rocket effect.

I want a Morena Baccarin movie. I was surprised how well she bounced sass back, and “Fat Gandalf” was pretty hilarious.

It was a theme.. he went down on her with vampire teeth during Halloween, they covered each other with food on Thanksgiving, she pegged him on International Women’s Day.

Hey, those 5th graders will grow up appreciating International Women’s Day.

You can’t pick and choose Sky Daddy quotes, no matter which batch you pick.

Yeah, I like to suggest they drink a big glass of snake venom. BUT ORGANIC?!?!

You know, people like you are the equivalent of bible literalists. You can be given thousands of pages of scientific info proving you’re wrong but you just dig in your heels and shout “I believe what I believe!”. It’s some kind of brain disorder or something.

How hilariously sanctimonius! “Oh I admit that I lied about McDonald’s being unhealthy, but if my lies keep people from eating this UNHEALTHY food so be it!!”

Here is the problem with your argument. Visibility. When you have a minority group inside a large group, it is far too easy for the majority to pretend away issues because they don’t see them. This is why the gay parades started, people pretended that gays were a small freakish group that barely existed, in some

Funny how you feel that America is “so far behind” compared to Europe.. America actually discusses and angsts over it’s racial issues. For Europeans it’s just not acknowledged as being there at all. It was only, what 2 years ago, that Italian police were snatching Roma children from their parents to “save them” as

Hmmm I don’t know if it’s entirely racial bias or cultural fear/misunderstanding.. like, you may find a black woman attractive but feel your interest in Nickleback would make her laugh at you (to be fair, you deserve to be laughed at for liking Nickleback)..

What about Canada? They seem to be a pretty chill group.
I’m in Montreal at the moment, and have come across people from all over the world.

Your friend was probably fighting off train drunks because “blonde white girl” = Russian Sex Worker in the East.

Ummm as an American guy, I can say that generally speaking anyone who doesn’t smell terrible, doesn’t look at us with disgust and tends to be somewhat interested in the same things we are is prime dating material.