

Doesn’t matter. If they felt “threatened” why were they following and writing down license plate #’s then flipping off the bikers? Add in brandishing a weapon and those truck drivers should be the ones going to jail.

Julie Mao was on the Scopuli when the crew of the stealth cruiser captured them all prior to leaving the Scopuli for the Canterbury to find. She later escaped and flew a shuttle to Eros.

John Connor is one of the very few protagonists who’s mother is a protagonist in her own right.

Oh, I wouldn’t say mother issues are rare. Just the type of men with mother issues aren’t typically the sort to be written as protagonists.

You mock, but somewhere there’s a statistical group of people who suddenly have discovered how erotic the sight of a shapely scapula is and have been ruined for missionary sex by the knowledge.

Was she the only girl in her highschool? Has she never met a group of teenage girls? I suppose she could have been the head mean girl and nobody dared to crush her soul the way she no doubt crushed countless others....

As a mom, I would assume you’ve seen your son’s penis before at least a couple of times...

Mothers and sisters aren’t responsible for the behavior of the adult men in their lives? Did these men grow out of a vacuum into a male only alternative world, jump into a portal and land here? These women watched this boy grow up into adulthood, watched how he treated and was in turn treated by other women.. they

The lovely thing about English though? There’s absolutely no reason we can’t steal these words if we wanted to. That’s how 99% of the English vocabulary was created anyway, if we don’t have a word for it take someone else’s!

You’re talking about the actions of societies that had very little clue of where leprosy came from, how exactly you caught it (other than being near other lepers) and acting like they should have behaved as we (hope) we would now. Hell, even WE don’t treat communicable disease carriers entirely different, just look

Don’t be knocking gimp Skipper. Disabled girls need dolls too!

How about accessory to manslaughter in the 10 legionnaires disease deaths and numerous cases of depraved indifference to human life for the lifelong damange done by lead poisoning?

PLANNING, as you like to capitalize it, has nothing to do with traditional farming’s frequent failures and famines. You can do all the PLANNING you like, it won’t save you from plant diseases, locusts or bad weather. This is exacerbated by the lack of wide distribution and the economic disparity of peonage in that

I like that you completely avoided discussing how traditional farming has traditionally failed to keep people fed. Nice dodge.

So in that regard we’ve replaced a tried and true method that works for thousands of years, with one that can only work if we prop it up artificially.


Hey, you know what? Those factory farms are why we can enjoy things like parks and forests, because if we listened to locavores and organic farmers every inch of this country would be covered in farmland just barely keeping the US fed.

I’d love to see a study about how much the Romans depleted aquifers with all their aqueduct projects, and how much land has settled around ancient European cities over time.. or how many famines were caused by people blindly following Roman farming techniques for a thousand years.. but apparently anything humans did