
Not one peer reviewed study has shown that “organic” food is more nutritious than other food. But then you’re probably are afraid that your food has DNA in it.

How many of these “wasted” parking spaces are leftovers from failed retail stores? How about doing something to revitalize local businesses (maybe quit subsidizing WalMart at the expense of local businesses for a start) rather than bitching about wasted parking?

Didn’t London institute a fee just to drive into the city recently?

This will never happen, because corporations are morally grey at best on their bestest days. A corporation exists for the sole purpose of creating profit and protecting it’s shareholders from liability. They are not anyone’s friend, they are not anyone’s benefactor (unless it benefits them somewhere), their every

I think there are more than a few objectivist or libertarian idiots who’d love to live in a libertopia where corporations run the police. Of course, like every libertopian dream, it only lasts until someone with more money than they have starts pushing them around and then comes the begging for government intervention.

So how long have you worked for the rock salt industry?

When I was in kindergarten (in the 70s) we had alphabet dolls. All were male except the vowels. And we were taught that the consonants “protected” the vowels because they were female. Seriously. Public school.

I’d think the “collateral damage” from the last Superman fight is Batman’s justification for putting a kryptonite cap his caped ass.

I forget, which Avengers team has the unrepentant murderers?

“Average sized” for what country? The model depicted would not fit the average for China, for instance. Numerically speaking, Western standards are skewed and don’t particularly average into what is “average” for the planet.

I used to love just about all of it - kinky, rough, whatever. But then I read a comment someone made about the “dead eyes” of some of the women performers and now that’s all I can see.

You’d think in a true D/s space hearing a Domme say “no I will not pee in your mouth I just met you, also NO I DON’T WANT TO,” would be enough for some people-especially A sub! But men are still men. Still think they have that privilege, even when they pretend to give it up.

She is early 50s she concentrates on mother son with sons in their mid to late 20s. It just warps the most basic love their is.

There is at Kink, which is one of the websites that was alleged to the location of the sexual assaults (so it still doesn’t work).

Well said. There is never a disclaimer though. A disclaimer takes away the boner.

However, if you’re a single mom with three kids and your options are working at WalMart, stripping, or waiting tables... stripping isn’t exactly a “feminist” choice when it’s your only choice.

I think the statistic of women in porn being molested or raped in childhood was something like 70%. Not sure where I read that or if I got the number right but it was really high and jaw dropping. That is very telling.

Not to mention she hasn’t had any addiction problems, is generally a better actress, and somehow managed to Benjamin button herself.

Because you can be with someone forever and never really entirely know them? Because you can take comfort in someone’s presence in your life without necessarily having to bang them. It can be interpreted a lot of ways.

Those stupid ‘short shorts’ or whatever they are just have me annoyed as they seem solely chosen to get the teenage male crowd in.