
And rats.. don’t forget the rats that thrive in cities and love to build burrows in your nice little untended meadows.

I wonder how Ms. Ganeshram will feel about my new children’s book set in India. It’s about a plucky family who’s father was killed by British soldiers so they could be lucky enough to be put to work on an opium farm. The children will laugh and sing while they package the opium up for their noble British lord to trade

It’s the subtle off-white coloring and tasteful thickness of this paper that makes Paul Allen’s business cards so impressive..

Crying in business... that is worth a discussion. Do we really want to live in a world where people are crying at work, in meetings, interacting with each other in a professional manner? Doesn’t sound so appealing, but that’s just me.

They are on a vehicle with energy to matter converters. Everytime the Enterprise gets a software patch from Starfleet, they’re getting designs for the newest uniforms and can have the crew wearing them by the end of day.

it’s loved by old and news fans alike

Contrary to the belief of everyone who watches Fox “news”, the Federal government can’t just walk into a state and start doing shit without the consent of the Governor of that state.

Hasbro ONLY owns ROM. Marvel owns everything else in the comics, that’s why it’s not likely to make it into cinema.

You’d think Disney would have learned from the Frozen fiasco and the continuing criticism of the Avengers line’s lack of female toys.

Yeah, they’re going to have to have someone go back and polish those pipes if not completely replace sections if they’re gouged deeply enough.

Mostly because to make a nude non-Ken doll male, they have to model a penis in 3d, find a way to attach it to the male model’s skeleton, and have it appear/disappear whenever clothing is worn/taken off.

Honestly, I don’t think it’s just us. The US’s position on the International political scene means everyone pays attention to our news. Who, outside of Fins, can tell you the internal politics of Finland for instance? But everyone knows what’s going on in America.

I’mma have to correct you there. True PATRIOT Sovereign Citizens respect no office higher than County Sheriff.

I really wish the “Laws only effect law abiding citizens, criminals won’t obey it so we don’t need this law” people would shut the hell up too. Laws exist so you can punish people, not to prevent crime dumbasses!

She didn’t “become a master at the drop of a hat”. She picked up a few tricks from watching what Kylo Ren did, that doesn’t make her a master.

Eh, back in the day was before powerpoint presentations of sales metrics and studies and marketing crap. It was pretty much make whatever and see what sticks. Plus they were really kind of inventing the whole concept of film marketing so I understand why they were so generous with the oddball figurines.

it sounds like demand is high, which is good.

I’ve often wondered about the sort of pass that lesbians get with underage girls.. there’s always the societal soft pedal on women and ephebophilia anyway, compared to the vilification men get. Take Blue is the Warmest Color for instance... there were tons and tons of discussions about the sex being accurate lesbian

You know what’s really funny weird? How they can say “Liberty minded” yet piss on Libertarians and Liberals for wanting people to have too much liberty.

Hey now, we’ll have none of your shaved nipples here! Why are you so interested in making men look like little boys?