
Tell you what, why don’t we ask the Kurds how they’ve integrated women into their forces so successfully? Because those ladies kick some ass and the guys appear to be totally all for it.

Hey hey HEY!! Avengers do not LEARN lessons.

Well, Marvel seems to be all about the re-runs lately, since they’ve redone Secret Wars and are about to redo Civil War, so watch for Trial of Galactus II: Cosmic Boogaloo.

Really? The Avengers has just gone totaly stupid. Half the various teams are comprised of mass murderers now.

Do not EVER talk to the aggrieved party. Once it’s out there, it’ll never get better. It can be a ruse to get you to say something they can use against you, or to get you in a compromising position. There are so many ways it can be turned against you.

They cap you at 1TB a month and charge for overages. Also AT&T is only doing this because of government requirements for their DirectTV buyout, not because they saw an economic advantage in it, so expect they’ll do it half-assed.

Please, in this day and age if you’re actually throwing bullets at another plane you’ve already lost. The gun on these boondoggles exists for the sole purpose of claiming ground support capability so they can cut the A-10 and pick up it’s budget.

WTF?! What possible use is that?!

What, exactly is Kink.com supposed to do? They do before and after interviews of the performers after every shoot, if someone feels they were assaulted on set, they have ample opportunities to bring it up. Kinks female performers are far far more valuable to them than their male performers, in terms of revenue

Kink makes 10 times the money off it’s female performers than their male ones. Same as any other adult industry, other than the M/M gay porn productions.

Well, that 80’s Hang Ten shirt is probably still wearable, but the $15 shirt you buy now will maybe last 3-4 washings.

Look.. I get that other transit options are a good thing. However, the US is a quilt of many different transportation scenarios. Busses and trains work great in dense urban centers like LA or NYC, but they’re useless boondoggles that will never pay for themselves out in 95% of the rest of the country.

The BoS’s racist agenda (KILL ANYONE WE DON’T CONSIDER HUMAN!) is seriously amusing to me as the Lone Survivor, as their exposure to FEV and radiation have induced enough subtle mutations that THEY don’t qualify as “human” either, from my 200 year old perspective.

Standing and holding a sword are not my definition of “being a badass”.

Well.. if the haoles weren’t on the island to begin with, the Japanese wouldn’t have attacked it, so your analogy is full of fail.

If your scope of disgusting is thinly sliced beef in white sauce, how the hell do you function in life? That isn’t even something I’d classify as mildly disinteresting.

You have to keep in mind they’re throwing these shows out there and seeing what sticks. If a show becomes popular enough, they’ll work it into the rotation.

I can only hope IGH turns out to be a subsidiary of Roxxon Oil.

You get +1 Hipster points.

Actually it works rather well on keyboard and mouse. It’s still a bit janky at times exiting menues, sometimes it’s the TAB key, sometimes the ENTER key, or the E key. Mostly because they made the interface for platforms & PCs rather than custom interfaces for each.