
Well, in honesty all those lobbyists that businesses send to Washington are there to complain about the taxes and regulations on THEM. They could give a crap about the rest of us.

BoS have always been massive assholes. The ones in FO3 were the aberrations. Helping people? BoS isn’t there to help people, they’re there to kill things, grab tech and let the scribes sort it out.

My biggest disappointment with Fallout 4 was that they once again missed the chance to really load up the radio station with music. We get another 10 or so songs, some repeats from prior games. Thankfully mods like R.A.C.E and Conelrad will likely be updated and flesh out the radios for those long strolls through the

Have you never read a comic book before? If the various heroes actually talked instead of punching each other on sight, 75% of the book would be thrown out.

The science experiment activated their mutant genes, as per a later retcon. So it wouldn’t be surprising if they’re later retconned to be Inhumans, just disappointing.

Last I read, they were mutants, so no Marvel Cloak & Dagger. Unless of course Marvel decides to continue to screw over the mutants and recast them as Inhumans or some other bullshit in a blatant attempt to get their characters back from Fox.

Actually, I preferred him before the personality change. My next play through I think I’ll skip that quest.

It’s kind of funny, but the internet has actually magnified the fringe groups, allowed them to find each other and share ideas and co-ordinate their activities as they never could before. It makes them seem more popular than they are, which in turn draws in new recruits.

Yeah, that one was insane, plus all the baby mirelurks swimming through the swamp reminded me of Slithers.

The shop didn’t “save a few bucks”, they skimmed off some bucks. He paid a certain amount for shipping, they stole some of his money and shipped it for less than they quoted by undervaluing the insurance.

Having a China buffet in town isn’t diversity.

Exactly! When are we going to start harrassing these “oppressed” Christians over the War on Thanksgiving?

I just can’t get behind the Scarlet Witch. She’s become such a neurotic mary sue that it’s impossible, no matter how much Marvel tries, to dig her back out of the mess they’ve made of her. She’s possibly the biggest mass murderer on the Avengers roster. The whole “no more mutants” thing is just even worse now that

Wouldn’t that be the worst? Prep all your life for the Rapture and then have to deal with a run of the mill secular apocalypse? That’d be so depressing.

Really only one of the elephants seemed to hold a mighty grudge against those pumpkins. The others kind of stood behind and watched, somewhat disapprovingly as the rambunctions warrior fought his stalwart foes.

Christians have always been Satan’s best PR agents.

So... people don’t like when you tell them they’re dumb for liking things you don’t like? Huh!

The M is two men giving oral to two women, not two women together.

Ummm yeah.. that’s because your “healthy” meats are first off perceived (falsely) as higher quality so they can charge a premium right off the bat. Then they take more labor to process, which adds to the cost, and the government isn’t subsidizing it so you’re getting the full cost.

Translation “Yeah, we were trying to be huge Objectivist/Libertarian dicks about taxes, but this lady totally showed us up so we’re gonna just pretend this didn’t happen.”