
Amazon & Walmart don’t tell their suppliers that all ancillary sales have to go through their own marketplace, where they can continue to take 30% off the top forever. There’s a reason Apple is sitting on a few hundred billion in cash, and Amazon/Walmart aren’t.

You know, it’s a funny thing about the obesity “crisis” and what some people perceive to be terrible things in our food.. I remember back in the day when everyone was panicking about being fat, and the types of fat in foods and everyone started making low fat versions of everything.. then they wanted low salt versions

“Dominos pizza is fucking awful” - This is the kind of shit that annoys me about chefs. I’m sorry they don’t cover their pizza with the kind of pretension that comes from using imported aged artisinal cheese sourced from an 80 year old Italian grandmother, but 99% of people really don’t give a shit and can’t tell the

I’ve always wondered why movie theaters don’t try to make money on ancillary products. Like, buy the book the movie was based on in our library, right next to the popcorn vendor, and oh while you’re there rent a DVD of one of the movies we’ve shown previously, oh and how about this video game based on a movie, and

Well, in 1950 those 1900s friezes were just out of date and not stylish. In 2015 they’re beautiful examples of antiquity. Such is the cycle of life.

These people don’t think.

Until the 1800’s, the area known as Texas was lightly settled by Spanish Mexicans and Native Americans. Hillariously Mexico invited Anglo settlers into the area who didn’t mix into Mexican Catholic culture. Mexico grew alarmed at the numbers of Anglo’s moving into the area and stopped allowing legal immigration, but

Dear god, I would pay for that story! Write, you magnificent bastard, write!!!

I love how this website can hype bugs as food repeatedly, yet shit on McDonald’s as disgusting filth at every turn.

The Inhumans are not “quasi-fucking-mutants”. They’re leftover toxic waste from a failed alien weapons program. They would still be nowhere if Marvel hadn’t sold off the mutants to Fox, and they’re only getting hyped now because Disney isn’t making enough money with the heroes and villains they do have control of.

Interesting that Cuomo cracked down on nail salons with his task force.. I wonder how many task forces he’s put into action on restaurants stealing tips from their workers. Or is this just a case of piling on a predominantly immigrant industry?

They’re just trying to balance out the obnoxious self-righteous religious assholes.

Ethanol is another name for government subsidized corn crops but reworded so the farmers can bitch about other people taking government handouts without feeling like hypocrits.

I blame meat for being so damn tasty.

The problem is you’re talking to a wall. As far as they are concerned, the only birth control a woman needs is abstinance, and if she gets pregnant she’s a whore undeserving of any aid unless she marries the father. That’s the total depth and width of their reproductive policy right there.

Too many congressional districts are getting a cut of the pie for it to get canceled. Besides, they’ve already built 100+ planes. They’ll spend a few trillion more fixing the thing and in 30 years it’ll be a great plane.

Oh, I don’t know. By being female?

That’s more of a lack on the publishing side. There’s certainly no technological reasons that an ebook can’t be arranged like that, or even with short video’s or animated photos.

If your house catches fire and you lose your book library, they’re gone forever. If you lose your Kindle, you buy another and download all your books again.

Yes, and the publishers STILL don’t feel they’re making enough money from ebooks.