
Here’s why NCIS is a hoot.. there was a scene where the NCIS office was being hacked, okay? So one woman (I never bothered learning their names) starts typing on a keyboard as fast as she can trying to counter-hack.. which is totally not how that sort of thing works.. BUT THEN!!!! she yells “I CAN”T STOP THEM!” and

I would suggest that an android’s emotions aren’t necessarily deliberate programming. Like, I’m going to give my creation X emotions! I would say that AI’s are, similarly to humans, a mix of various subroutines in a neural network and they learn emotions as they grow. Which is far more interesting, personally.

Lots of engineers like to think they’re John Galt and have suitably massive egos. That’s kind of a huge part of the problem.

Considering how many corporations are agitating for a new category of employee to let Uber & it’s ilk call it’s employee’s contractors, we should start agitating for a new classification of monopoly for these walled gardens that Google & Apple have created. They may not be competing against each other, but they do

You do realize you’re a bit facetious, and a teensy bit of an ass? You do realize Apple drops these new services and don’t exactly trumpet how to turn them off or uninstall them.

Had it before the app. I still consider suing..

Cue the ‘but but but Amazon is a monopoly why doesn’t the government go after them?!?!’ Apple apologists...

Was it some sort of badge of honor to rush in head first?

You’re assuming they had a plan more complex than “Invade, they surrender,...., profit!!!”

“Organic” would be my guess. Raising food under the “Organic” label adds a substantial cost as the pesticides are less effective. Plus there’s the (wrong) perception of better quality/nutrition, which means they can sell at a premium in the grocery.

“His country is the source of vibranium, the strongest metal in the world...”

Yup, Box is a mutant as well.

Movie Civil War can’t follow the comics because many of the heroes involved aren’t in the MCU, such as Giant-Man/Black Goliath who’s tragic death was part of. I still remember how callusly Stark was portrayed dumping his body off a flatbed truck without even a coffin after the Thor clone murdered him.

It’s Mississippi. Better than average odds the corpse will have LSD on it regardless of the guy actually taking any. Police corruption is the standard down there.

“Respect mah authoritai!!!”

Actually, the method used by the folks who claim they’re not GMO is to irradiate seeds to increase mutation rates and then crossbreed those. So have fun eating your radioactive mutate foods, I’ll stick with the GMO’s.

Considering that the vast majority of the nerd hate for this movie has been solely based on the gender of the stars, I could give a fuck about their opinions.

Took the job as a contractor, found out the company was treating them as an employee but not giving them the benefits of actually being an employee, sues the bejeesus out of the company. America!

Ebay is not the same as Uber or other similar businesses for many reasons. Ebay does not tell people how much they can sell their products for, or how much they will be paid. Ebay takes a small fee, and charges a flat rate for some other services, much like a flea market would charge for using floor space.

Republicans: Nothing is more precious than life!!! Now pass my Open Carry, Stand Your Ground and Capital Punishment legislation.