
Personally I hope this passes. And then I hope a Hindu or Muslem CEO of a large corporation uses this law to publicly fire all their Christian employees so I can watch all the Republican’s heads explode.

It’s a show piece, it was stuffed into the plane for the simple purpose of meeting a bullet point on a Powerpoint presentation. “Has ground support capability! Give us dah moneys!”

They’re being paid $1,000,000 per byte of code?

How can the military claim this jet replaces ground attack planes like the A-10 without a non-functional gun carrying an inadequate supply of ammunition? I mean what else were they supposed to do, keep the A-10 which the Army relies on? FFS, this is the AIR FORCE, not the Army!

Yeah, try doing heel toe when the heel’s broken off, or the heel’s are sinking into grass or gravel.

A better question would perhaps be why are people allowed to breed English bulldogs at all, if they have such high rates of deformity? How about we just let the breed die out and stop putting them through such risks and suffering so some people can get a squee.

I kind of think he owes Metropolis a few billion for bringing Zod to the planet and the innumerable deaths and destruction resulting from that.

Apparently the Kents are Libertarians or Objectivists.

Innocent people die when Superman does get there, in Snyderverse.

Really? Just now you get the Superman/God/Jesus thing? It’s been there since forever, and also has ties to Nietschze.

That’s about as much, or more armor than the typical Greek warrior wore back in the day, or did you never see 300? Her armor is Amazonian, not Femenistonian.

As opposed to, oh I don’t know, comparing things that don’t exist to other things that don’t exist and declaring one is better?

The reason most insurance went up is because most insurance wasn’t really covering as much as people think it did. The law forces insurance companies to actually meet basic requirements that they’ve long weasled their way out of prior to the ACA, so they raised their rates.

This. You’re making bean broth, not curing cancer people!

No, I pretty much thought it was polyamory when it was just Bill. Wouldn’t be the first political marriage that had an “understanding” between the partners.

You’re assuming that it’s cheating and not that they have a polyamorous arrangement.

I love that the kids who spout off against unions like to keep saying how we don’t need unions anymore because nobody will take away the benefits unions fought for.

I’m sorry, you are full of crap. No other species drinks milk my ass. The difference is no other species is capable of managing another species solely for milk. Cats, dogs, just about any mammal can and will drink milk if it’s offered to them, well into adulthood. Also cheese! Milk is an awesome source of vitamins and