
Weren’t you the one saying they were different? Pick a side.

The “momma’s boy” relationship is very abusive. A small child is programmed to be utterly dependant on the approval of and attentive to the needs of the mother, to the exclusion of all other relationships often causing other psychosis that can turn violent. Example: Ed Gein.

Most MRAs have them out the wazoo. Also “mommy issues” does need to be a Thing.

Well, a man with daddy issues is pretty much expected. What’s unacceptable is if a man is a “momma’s boy”. Might as well be a eunich at that point.

Tell you what, guys will stop saying women have “daddy issues” if women stop saying men are “momma’s boys”. Deal? Because that’s been a female fallback for ages for any man who’s been programmed since birth by his mom, like it’s his fault.

While the technology is called a “sail” it was never really implemented as such in the books. It’s more like an Alcubierre drive. Furthermore, it provides no propulsion outside of hyperspace.

Stjepan’s wife? Cool beans, she’s awesome. Have you seen her DeviantArt page?

Ringo’s “To Sail A Darkling Sea” pretty much burned all his bridges with me, I will not pick up any of his books anymore. The 15 year old cartoon character super gun nerd girl who runs around in her panties while getting ogled by Marines made my blood boil as it was, but the sub-plot of the female Ensign trapped in a

Harrington’s naval ships don’t use sails, you’re thinking of the Lt. Leary series.

And we’re still fighting with Christians over reproductive teaching & access to this day. Awesome.

Yeah, comediens never do over the top material to express a truth. Neverrrr..

Just because it’s space we wouldn’t have to convene some Council of the Elders. Maritime justice is universally accepted, and covers everything necessary to deal with criminals, just change sea for vacuum. As for the actual punishments, I’d suspect taking a short walk out the airlock without a suit would be popular in

Couples like that make me think the woman calls the guy “daddy” a lot, which just creeps me out to no end.

I’d refuse to date her. I’m 6’3”, any woman shorter than 5’8” and I feel like a child molester, as well as risking back injury trying to kiss.

The game seems to particularly encourage you to have as many pregnancies as possible because pregnant women in the game have higher happiness ratings, and the happier your vault is, the more rewards you get.

This is why it’s good to equip everyone with weapons.

Unless you’re using Dollar store pressed aluminium foil cookware, cast iron isn’t that much of a price differential. :P

Here’s a better question. Why do men constantly become aggressive to their domestic partners and feel the need to vent their frustrations by beating on someone they profess to love? I’m not saying all men are abusive, but a hell of a lot of them do seem to respond to the least provocation with violence. Why? BTW, see

Use cast iron cookware too, there’s a minor transferrence, but every bit helps.

Actually, when it inevitably collapses the only injured people will be the low-wage caretakers, groundskeepers and such, as all the apartments will be vacant having been purchased solely as investment properties. Of course, the investors will make out like gangsters when the government bails out the disaster.

(1) They were right in front of him, oblivious to his presence. Why NOT take the shots? (2) He’d already shot that guy several times and the guy walked away from it, he wasn’t taking chances. (3) How was he supposed to know Blaine was coming back? Major isn’t military trained and even SEALs can get surprised. (4) She