
Meat glue is always going to be totally weird sounding but we’ve all eaten it before (if you eat at fast food restaurants, at least).

“No Cable” right, barring the fact that most people will access this service through cable internet, you’re really only moving your money from the cable guy’s right pocket into his left pocket.

They create new heroes every other month. It’s up to the audience to make them “major” or not. I’d argue that Ms. Marvel has made some pretty major strides in that direction.

You also didn’t see Ant-Man, Ms Marvel, Captain Marvel, She-Hulk, Wasp, Mystique and about a bazillion other Marvel properties. Put your outrage back in your pants and give it some time.

Europe does not have gang problems, and they certainly don’t have the thug subculture that permeates the empty spaces in American society.

Most cops in any country are full of themselves, corrupt and full of shit. It’s indicative of the profession, like politician’s being pathological liars, lawyers being smarmy and business people being sociopaths.

Practicing discrimination.. such an interesting term. If the bakery refused to make a cake for NAMBLA with some old guy fondling a little kid, is that discrimination too?

You left out the most important reason game streaming is bad overall. Ownership. I have CD’s of games I bought 20 years ago, and with a little effort I can still play them perfectly. I can mod the hell out of them or do anything else I like with them, because they are mine. Some of the companies that released them

First off, you really care about this stuff waaaay too much. Second, they’ve dropped Pym as the creator of Ultron, he’s in his 70’s or however old they choose to portray him in Ant Man, so they’re pretty much making him a side character. The Wanda and Henry in the movie adaptations would have been contemporaries with

As far as I’m aware, Marvel has never presented Black Widow as having “super” powers, such as Captain America’s strength. The formula she was given has kept her young, as in the comics she’s almost the same age as Steve, but it didn’t make her super strong. So the movies didn’t nerf her.

You don’t get feminist points unless the woman is the title character, didn’t you know? Liking female “supporting” characters only reinforces misogynist dynamics that women only exist to support others. Like duh. So forget how individually awesome your examples were, until they have their own shows where they never

Why change anything then? If the comic is so sacred, why not show Reed being at least 15 years older than a very teenaged Sue? Why doesn’t that change upset you?

What I found curious, is the avoidance of Adamantium, which is supposed to be an alloy that uses Vibranium and is practically indestructable. The comic version of Ultron has a body made of it. But then that pesky mutant Wolverine is the best known embodiment of Adamantium, so we get the question: was Adamantium

I can see your point. I think there was a little more complexity though as she only brought up her sterility because Bruce was afraid to get close to her for fear that she’d want children and he’d be a risk to them. She was making it clear that they were both damaged, from things that neither of them had control over,

The sterilization was just the end step in the program starting in her childhood that created her to be an assassin, so yes, her monsterness was pretty much forced on her. It wasn’t “Oh I can’t have kids, I’m gonna go murder some folks”, it was a coldly deliberate step to ensure she had nothing in her life other than

My critique isn’t the simulation, it’s the base stand. 75 days of print time? Really? There was no possible way that could have been mocked up with some carved styrofoam and a fiberglass shell, it had to be all trendy 3D printed?

It’s no crazier than right wingers calling Obama a fascist comparable to Hitler. Hyperbole is the first tool in the political agenda for both sides.

Geez, really? An abuser sure as hell isn’t going to stop being abusive so just kill them is your ideal solution? Abusers typically were victims themselves and just don’t have coping mechanisms for their frustrations and anger, they can be taught other ways to deal if given the opportunity and insight into their own

Short of locking the man away on what amounts to “we think he’ll do something” which is not a power I feel comfortable giving the police, or posting armed guards on the woman, which I’m sure the taxpayers would love paying for, what exactly can the cops do? I mean, yeah at this time they should have absolutely

Am I the only one who was terrified to look and find this was an article on slimming down your baby? Because I totally read “banish baby weight” as my infant is too fat because I’m a stupid health nut and must put them on a low fat vegan paleo diet that will keep them from becoming autistic because they’re dead.