
What if he’s carrying the D&D 2nd edition rulebook?

Statistically (and realistically) speaking, the number of people who’ve been killed by self identifying witches throughout history would be greater than zero, especially if one accounts pagan shamans as witches, as they predate the Abrahamic religions intolerance of witchcraft.

Forget quasi-legal. Think what an a-hole he’s being to their neighbors, taking up 3 or 4 parking spots with his stupid trailer sitting there.

It’s not illegal, per se. Modding does touch upon a lot of copyright concerns though, since you’re making derivative works based on their property. Modding has essentially been a gentleman’s agreement between the game publishers and the modders, that they won’t sue you into oblivion and you don’t try to make any money.

Umm you’ve always been able to install mods independent of Steam. Nexus Mods has a whole site devoted to Skyrim, all of them free.

Wells has an AI in his secret lair, for that matter. I think it should have noticed the door opening and alerted Wells.

He’s the Reverse Flash, he could have buried Well’s corpse in China and still been back before the EMTs showed up at the crash.

Marvel’s decision to stop publishing The Fantastic Four has squat to do with this movie. They didn’t stop publishing because of the last 2 FF movies from Fox, this one’s not different.

I personally am counting down the days till they give us Misty Knight.

They literally spent 10 minutes of one episode in a GODDAMN HOLODECK searching for the HARD DRIVE FROM A TABLET! Your puny firmware problem makes me laugh.

What about Gonzalez and his agenda so far could possibly lead you to believe he would "help" people with powers? At best he wants to warehouse them, at worst he'd be the type to fire up the ovens and say he was saving humanity.

Sounds like the seeds of the "meat" side of the class divide. Keeping the servers running in a society that's still picking up the pieces and trying to keep the real living people alive.

The scarcity is easy enough to understand. Computing cycles, storage space and bandwidth. Not everyone would be running on the latest and greatest hardware. The wealthy would have their own server computing whatever it takes to make their reality more real, while the poor would be on virtual images running as many

Yup, and there are absolutely no Indians with Computer Science or Software Engineering degrees. Nope, not a one, no sir...

His point still stands. There is plenty of Indian representation in tech, they are quite capable, if they wished, of creating & distributing a more universally universal font if they wished. Why do we have to take the entire burden upon ourselves? Isn't that just as patronizing?

Should women show cleavage and be objectified by men?

It's not the vitamins, per se and in fact most people overdo vitamins. The largest problem with vegetarianism for babies is that developing brains need animal fats to grow properly, that's why we breast feed in the first place, milk is chock full of fat and calories.

They're offering it for free for the 1st year. Then it's likely to be a subscription like Office 365.

One of the benefits of this system is they can use targeted light frequencies from the LEDs, so the plants are only getting the optimum light spectrum to boost their growth rate.