
I get that it is a TV show, and I am normally not too pedantic when it comes to these things, but in terms of repopulating the Earth, have 2 women for 1 man makes sense. In theory, you should be able to increase the population at a fast rate.

As long as you're not using wire coat hangers darling.

Part of the story of this new Secret Wars is that all the alternate universes are collapsing in on themselves and thus Marvel can kill off a character but still keep an alternate version, with alternate history around. So, I suppose these characters are probably younger alternate versions of the current cannon

With the Federation's grasp of artificial gravity, inertial dampeners and fusion drive lift systems, there's no real compelling reason that ship construction has to be done in space and lots of good reasons for building it on a planet.

The study also noted that a third of Egyptian teenagers are overweight, a statistic that might not be unrelated to the following two facts...

First, acne effects everyone, and is a skin disease caused by bacteria often set off by stress & hormonal changes. If anyone is carrying stress in bucketfuls it's the Japanese.

Yes, it's so compelling when a German band frowns on American success. I'm crying on my copy of Nietzsche for their pain and suffering.

To be fair, McDonald's gets subsidies, just not directly. Subsidize farmers or cattle ranchers, McDonald's benefits too.

The most prestigious, peer-reviewed medical journal's of the day told us that cholesterol = heart disease so stop eating saturated fats. Today the most prestigious, peer-reviewed medical journal's tell us to eat saturated fats they have no solid link to heart disease.

**wakes up and reads your latest diatribe, smirks that you forgot to call me a pissbaby this time.. shrugs and goes back to sleep, done with you**

Yes, manners are important. Because you seem to expect, no demand, that every male you encounter know not to use the word "female" around you as a common courtesy to you yet you yourself are incapable, from your consistent replies, of extending the courtesy of accepting that someone just meeting you might not know

Well, as long as we know it's been settled and ONLY YOU get to dictate what is right or wrong, the world will certainly be.. something.

You're failing to see the secret ingredient, which is politics.

Sexist men call us females all the time. Since it's offensive to so many of us, you shouldn't do it.

Biologist A doing a study of beavers notes that beavers secrete substance X from their bodies. Chemists study substance X and learn that it contains a variety of molecules. Some other chemist searching for sources of chemicals similar to the ones found in the flavor they wish to reproduce notes that substance X is

To be honest though, "natural" is a marketing term that was created to satisfy the OMG THERE'S CHEMICALS IN MY FOOD THAT ARE IN OTHER THINGS THAT AREN'T FOOD!!!!!! crowd, because a chemical is a chemical, regardless of where it originates.

Here's the question, though, and possibly why this article is relevant. Do you feel the same way about McDonald's food? That it's your responsibility to eat healthier, not McDonald's? Because there does seem to be this piling on lately of people who hate on McDonald's but love love LOVE the new hipster flavor

Hey HEY! Everyone knows the REAL danger in food is DNA. Those soulless corporations contaminating our food supplies with their DNA is what's causing autism and cancer!

Umm using what we do, or perceive we should be doing, in 2015 to explain away evolution is bullshit too.

The butyric acid is not being added, it happens naturally as they stabilize their milk so it doesn't ferment beyond an acceptable amount. It's not from doing anything on the cheap.