
Uhhh, you seem to be unaware that Russia is a major supplier of oil, in fact surpassing Saudi Arabia. As well they supply natural gas to most of Europe. Both of which are fuels that tanks can run on.

Okay, first don't compare public services in Europe, Japan, South Korea to the US. The US is not even close to being as densely populated as most of those, which is why most people own cars and scoff at public transportation.

Yeah, I read them as they were released. I also reread through as each new novel was released, so I was up on where the story last left off.

Now playing

It's time you learned son. Girls are much grosser than guys, they're just better at hiding it.

The last couple of books really pull the story together, and have some really memorable scenes in them. Perrin at the forge creating his power-wrought hammer was pretty awesome.

The First Age is the current modern world.

The First Age of the WoT is mostly assumed to be the current day we're living in now. There's every reason to believe there were ages prior to this one though where dragons could live, as that's the whole mythos of there being a Wheel of Time, everything comes around again and again.

The First Age of the WoT is mostly assumed to be the current day we're living in now. There's every reason to believe there were ages prior to this one though where dragons could live, as that's the whole mythos of there being a Wheel of Time, everything comes around again and again.

Not using a service isn't some barrier for criticism of that service. "Don't like child molesters? Don't molest children!" is about the equivalent of your argument. It's just saying ignore a problem but don't actually do anything about it, except it's completely ignorant because problems just get bigger when you

I'll just post the usual response of the Libertarian Free Market douche "Why should I tip them for doing their job? If they want more money they can get a 2nd job or find one that pays better!"

Because when everyone is competing with Uber, the drive is to compete downwards on price, not upwards on quality. They could care less if you get killed in one of their rides, as long as they get paid, so they WILL do things like cheat on background checks unless forced otherwise, because ALL OF THEIR COMPETITORS DO

I'm sorry, no. You 'practice' something you do for fun. This is just years of mind-numbing repetitive work she does to feed her family. It's not a hipster party trick, it's her livelihood.

Is it shameful that 'honest' work is generally under-appreciated by the hipsters and up who buy these honest wares? Because I guarantee you she gets paid barely enough money to pay an average Westerner's cell phone bill, but Bobby Flay or some other celebrity chef can do a book on something this woman's been doing

Actually, I think the Puritan mythos is a cornerstone of the American foundation. We've seized on a whitewashed Puritan ethic as part of what makes America Great! despite the fact they weren't the only founding colony. The Puritan work ethic, their sexual attitudes, their belief in witchcraft as an active force..

In fairness, they claim YOU would rate a movie 4.9 stars, not that everyone in the world would. So even though the aggregate rating might be low, they think you personally would like that movie.

A lot of France's WWII defeatism can be blamed on their massive casualties in WWI. Plus their entire military was drafted along the lines of preventing another trench war like WWI, Germany's blitz tactics completely confounded them.

Oh great, now littleBits will be shut down for enabling DMCA violations! Good job internet, good job!

Cake or Death!

They can't make any new properties, because all the nerd rage that they're 'stealing' or 'ripping off' some older beloved story. Like someone up thread saying that Jupiter Ascending has a similar story to The Last Starfighter, because genetic reincarnation into a stellar empire that harvests planets is SO similar to

Disney's already in the process of remaking The Black Hole, it's been in development for a bit but I don't think they've done any filming yet.