
Scout. Pipe/conduit/small enclosed space inspection. Mobile IED. Hunting lure to bring game to the hunter... Lots of uses for a small droid.

Actually Comanche is a racial slur, as it's the name the Ute used for them and means "the enemy/stranger". The people we call Comanche refer to themselves as Numinu "the people".

"Bondic only hardens when you desire" — sexy lady voice..

A) You read a lot like you wanted them to be a thing, people like you backing it are required for Marvel to make it a thing. They might succeed with bringing some specific Inhumans into the spotlight, but the concept as a whole is terrible.

The Inhumans are never going to be a thing. Stop trying to make them a thing.

The majority of restaurants get their food from companies like Sysco, and it's no better or worse than anything you can pick up from the grocery store yourself, loaded with the same preservatives and high fructose corn syrup just packaged in restaurant sized cans. Even a lot of their deserts and even entrees are

People do weird head math at restaurants. Like how restaurant burgers are magically 1/2 the calories of a McDonald's burger in people's heads. Or how the quality of food is assumed to be better at a restaurant just because it's a restaurant.

The process was more along the lines of "Oh damn, we're starving to death. We NEED this cow but she's still got milk lets eat that, hey this is good and we lived, yay!"

I never understood the argument that humans are the only animals that drink milk into adulthood. It's completely false. Sure, we're the only animals that figured out how to create a milk industry, but just about any mammal will drink milk if it's available.

The protein thing is probably to appeal to the low carb Atkins types.

There is something objectively wrong with you.

It's more the masses of hipster foodies with pretentious food opinion blogs aren't drinking it.

Germans dip them in straight up mayonnaise. Ranch is no worse than putting sour cream on a baked potato.

Yes it does. It's also why street signs are the colors they are as well. Red is a pretty universal color for "Alert!".

One.. TOO MANY BUTTONS!! Talk about information overload, geez..

When you remove the diseases likely to kill you fast and early, you leave the window open for the slow diseases like cancer. I don't think we have more rates of cancer, per se, as much as cancer took over when the treatable diseases became less fatale.

"Heart disease" then isn't necessarily the same as what we consider heart disease. They didn't even have CPR back then, if you had a heart attack or your heart stopped for some reason, they made no resuscitation effort and just wrote you down for heart failure.

Actually, by eliminating the fatalities from many infectious diseases we just made it more likely that they'll die from cancer, rather than dying before cancer could become a problem for them.

I'll take a manageable disease like diabetes over random famines any day.

Honestly, we don't know if people would have gotten cancer in older times at the same rates we do now, because they typically died of some other disease before cancer could really get going. Tuberculosis, typhus, polio, hell good old fashioned plague. So sure, cancer rates for modern times appears high, and everyone