
Personally, I don't think Christianity even covers this situation for other Earthlings. If you accept that Christ died for our sins to redeem humans and spread Christianity, what about all the other civilizations outside of that small region who never heard of Christ, and would have to wait centuries for missionaries

QR Codes weren't designed, or intended, for casual home use. They're pretty ubiquitous in manufacturing and shipping now though. The US Military mandates every part they buy have a QR code on it.

When the video phone was first introduced it was supposed to be a huge change in how we communicated. But, while the concept might still be kicking around, it still hasn't gained any real traction, which is why this is valid, the video phone concept has changed nothing. If anything, we've regressed as simple text

Yep, a forward observation deck on planes would be neat, right up until the plane hits a swan or duck mid-air...

In fact, Tony decided to go out into space around the end of his Extremis arc and was totally trying to Kirk some alien girls. He was laughably bad at it too.

"He could just jack off to porn like a normal guy."

I'm betting they have discussed the issue, repeatedly, and she's denied his accusations, repeatedly. So, like a lot of guys do, he compiled evidence to prove he's right because it's gotten past the original issue and now he's in that "Damnit I'm not making this up, I'm going to prove it!" stage.

EVERY Christian is a member of the Christianity police. I have never heard a Christian who wasn't willing to evaluate another persons Christian cred at the drop of a hat.

Maybe, but kudzu is edible and doesn't have toxic sap.

You anti-union people and your crazy ideas. How about increased investigation of fraud during big construction projects between elected officials and the 'job creators' that run the construction companies? That would likely cut construction costs in half, right there.

You've just described dealing with management for every corporation & government agency, ever, everywhere.

The point of the engine, it's entire reason for existence, is to reduce weight and complexity.. and you want to add weight & complexity?

Profit hasn't mattered in business, at least as it pertains to stock value, since the 80's. Look at all of the tech startups out there making zero profit with multi-billion dollar valuations.

The plate with the spark plugs and intake/exhaust ports is fixed and doesn't move, as well as the outer engine casing. The sleeve with the cylinders in it spins inside the casing, against the spark plate, and the crankshaft spins in the opposite direction.

Didn't WebOS already do this?

Let's address Amazon's ethics, in their offer of royalties. Is it ethical? Well, if you can't legally accept payments from then, then no. Is it good PR in their dispute with Hatchette? Yes, very much so, as it paints Hatchette as the unreasonably greedy party. So, probably unethical but doing entirely what it was

Your previous comment that you can buy books direct from the publisher is true, for some publishers. It is not universal. Also let's not quibble about how being a direct retailer effects other retailers. The publisher's concerns are it's investors and it's client authors, whether or not bookstores can sustain their

There's a small problem with your assumptions. I primarily buy e-books, and I am very familiar with their pricing. I have seen many new hardcovers released on Amazon, with the e-book being released simultaneously, typically for 'maybe' a 15%-20% price reduction, which is just the difference in the printing and

Every woman I know has said something shitty about men and supported casual mysandry. Men and women can be violent, emotionally & physically.. pretty much people suck. People can be shitty like that, it's their actions that matters.

How about because we have historical evidence that businesses will abuse every inch of freedom they're given? This is part of the weird brain malfunction that makes me wonder about Libertarians. Your platform is basically "Businesses abuse regulations and twist laws to favor themselves, so lets remove the