
Yes, a lot of the sounds were very jokey. Like using the Star Trek transporter sound when Nosferatu fades into the building.

I think it was a mix of things. Over-promotion for one. People expected too much too fast. Cost was also a big factor, most of the early space programs were basically government penis waving exercises as well. They were never intended to promote commercial development, they were scientific or military only. So

Hahahaha, oh god.. Bush set the stadium on fire, raped the concession stand girl, shot the team in the back, walked out and handed Obama the keys so it's Obama's fault? God you people amaze me.

You're effing ignorant. Try looking up the Mongol incursions sometime, they laid waste to entire continents. Whole cities killed as examples to others. They INVENTED bacterial warfare!

Actually, we are fairly oil independent at the moment, at least in terms of foreign oil. Europe benefits from the Iraq & Afghanistan interventions more than we do, as far as oil imports go.

Yes, we left. Because you can only screw up royally for so long before the people get tired of it. Because the Bush government told everyone we'd roll in like princes, all the Iraqi women would throw their new peace loving vaginas at our troops and we'd be Mission Accomplished within a year or two.

Iraq's terrorists were for the most part focused on Saddam and not us. Until we invaded and gave every Iraqi a reason to hate us with bone deep passion. Also we didn't invade Iraq to destroy terrorism there, we invaded Iraq to remove Saddam, all of the actual terrorist cells that staged 9/11 were in Afghanistan and

*puts on tin foil hat* Perhaps the goal, secretly, was to promote an environment conducive to terrorism that would justify military contracts growing in a time of relative peace after the cold war. I'm not saying WMDs were a false flag. But they were a false flag.

Oh behave. 90% of the place we've intervened in were already screwed up by being failed European colonies. Countries do what countries do, and securing resources is something that happens, diplomatically or militarily.

Just out of curiosity, why do you single out European colonialism? The Mongols did their share of Empire building, the Mediterranean region was nothing but empires rising and falling and colonizing each other, Egypt took over most of North Africa.. Turks took over most of the Middle East.. Empires and Colonialism

That works for some things, but sometimes an actual face to face meeting is necessary. There's too many middle-men involved in a teleconference, and there's no way they're going to use off the shelf, unsecured commercial software for the President.

Well, the needs of a head of state are going to be more robust than the standard package. Stuff like armoring, EMP proofing, communications tech, all of which has to meet military standards and approval processes, then be combined into a package that won't make the end product explode unexpectedly. The basic

So, does this imply that every man who asks for your number is a suspected rapist/violent psychopath, or only the ones that you don't find attractive and thus give the fake number to?

Out of curiosity, how the hell do you use a squat toilet with the washing, and wear pants? Because something is gonna get wet that you don't want to, one way or another. I mean, do you strip naked from the waist down before pooping?

The point is, why can't we have both.

I like to think that Legend of the Seeker went Galt and abandoned all of us parasites to our corrupt collapsing civilization. Then it starved to death in it's Utopian valley.

Let's see..

You seriously want to discuss the real physics of a movie involving an alien who derives super powers because his cellular structure absorbs yellow light from our sun? Really?

Weird, it was my impression that all food makes people shit. It seems to be the biological norm.

"I'm not saying fast food eaters are morally inferior"