
There's also a matter of time spent, as well as portioning. As a single person, buying portions of ingredients suitable for a single meal can be quite expensive. Unless you are willing to live the hell of eating the same meal 7 days a week, which most of us are not.

"little nutritional value".. I love that.. as though vitamins and minerals flee at the sight of a McDonald's logo.

Mass * Speed = Energy dude. Throw an object of average human size & mass with enough speed and it'll hit like a nuclear bomb.

They study morgue & medical photos.

Government as an organization may do things, but it's only at the tolerance of the society at large. When that society overwhelmingly concludes that the government no longer speaks for them, they tear down that government and rebuild a new one.

Nationalism in the instances of Starship Troopers has just been elevated to the greater political body of the Federation, rather than the individual Earth nation-states. Much like no one would suggest blind allegiance to, oh, Texas is nationalism. The other political bodies are subsumed by the Terran Federation, the

You seem to be conflating the lack of human vs human racism as a symbol of lack of facism. There is nothing inherently racist in the facist ideal, it's strong "moral militarist imperialism" just needs an us vs them outlet. That is more than covered by the humans vs "the bugs", in ST. Also there are many references

"Fascist movements shared certain common features, including the veneration of the state, a devotion to a strong leader, and an emphasis on ultranationalism and militarism. Fascism views political violence, war, and imperialism as a means to achieve national rejuvenation, and it asserts that stronger nations have

They totally Eiffel Towered his wife and Xenu gave her the shocker.

Governments don't decide a damn thing. The people comprising that government & that society make the decisions, via a governmental body. "Government" is just society's mouthpiece. Making sweeping declarations of "The Government did it!" is just a distancing tactic.

I love this non-defense, the distancing groups do when one of theirs crosses the line. It's like when someone who professes to be Christian does something indefensible, all the "Christians" gather around and make sure everyone knows "well he/she isn't a REAL Christian". It's pathetic.

America's founding fathers did the same thing. In most states you had to be a white, land owning male or generating taxable income to get a vote. It's still democracy, it's just not universal democracy.

The X-Men were highly trained as well as being the highest powered mutants, which is why they always defeat the Sentinels relatively easily. They were always much more of a threat to the average mutant, or young untrained mutants. Also, the various Sentinels in the comics are from different production runs,

It's a marketing picture, so the cheese probably is fake, for the purposes of taking a better photo.

Ever eaten pork rinds? That's partially defatted fatty pork tissue. Tripe is just beef stomach and has been something people have eaten for quite a long time.

I just tell vegans all the stuff about vegetables they don't want to know. Like how field workers have no toilets so they just squat and poop right next to the crops they're picking. This is one reason raw vegetables are such awesome disease carriers, and more people get salmonella from salads than meat.

It's not 'cheese', that's just the weird name they gave it. There's scraps of meat left on the skull after butchering, so they just boil it until the scraps fall off and set in it's own gelatin into a loaf. It's just old fashioned sandwich meat.

I've always wondered how mesoamericans figured out that corn needs to be soaked in lime (stone, not the fruit) water to be digestible.

FAMILY OWNED doesn't mean jack. Every FAMILY OWNED Chinese place around me has Mexican cooks. One was shutdown for human trafficking. Some interpret fried rice as rice with veggies, some interpret it as literally just plain rice fried in some oil.