
The whole Sword of Truth series devolves from a fantasy adventure into stories to support Terry's Objectivist politics with every book. It really turned me off of the series.

Actually, I kind of think it's the general matriarchal belief that a) men have no business with children, b) men will actively abuse children or c) at best be inept in their care. It goes along with the assumption that every woman is an earth goddess and naturally wants children, will love all her children to the

Technically she's not actually wearing clothes, it's just her skin morphed to look like clothing, sooo maybe she just hasn't picked up a taste for death metal outfits yet.

Lack of precedent is not lack of ability, it's just inertia. As you say, the constitution can be amended if the desire were strong enough to change it.

A representative republic also means secret laws, secret interpretations of laws and laws deliberately written to obfuscate their intent. It means unpopular wars for nebulous purposes. It means political parties, backroom deals with shady money people, representatives who will say anything to be re-elected

The framers of the Constitution lived in a time of very poor literacy, far from universal education and communication between towns could take days. Several of the framers owned slaves while proclaiming the inalienable right of all to freedom.

To think that all laws should be understandable only by lawyers is just as ridiculous and benefits no one but lawyers. There is a balance between complex & simplistic, and the text of a law doesn't have to be overly simplistic to be presented in a way that explains what it means.

There is nothing in the constitution that prevents us from changing over to a direct democracy. Also there would be nothing preventing laws being written by lawyers, they would just have to be written in plain language and presented in ways that people can understand to pass. Which sounds a lot better than what

We're only "supposed" to be a representative republic only in so much as when the constitution was written it wasn't practical to have a direct democracy. There's nothing implicitly in the constitution that says we can't decide to change that.

She could be from a secret ninja clan, it doesn't matter if she can't pull off the role because of her less than imposing physical appearance. Gina Carano would have been a much better choice as WW.

Well, for one thing Amazon keeps a record of your purchases, which some people might not be very appreciative of. In a physical store you can walk in with some cash and there's no awkward trace of your desire for a horse dong shaped dildo and some nipple clamps.

Here in GOD'S MURICA!!WOOOOO, FREEDOM is SACROSANCT! Except for those commie beliefs like being a pussy and not shooting people, or needing a warrant to search black folks and sand niggers. Don't try to use any of your LIBRUL LIES like logic or that science stuff either! TEACH THE CONTROVERSY!!! GOD wrote the

..yet we deal with Kinja..

There is literally no place for women to gather on the internet without shit ton of misogynists following.

Some of the mechanical details might have changed, but pretty much anything you can imagine people doing with or to each other? They were doing it in caves before they were writing down history.

Choice is good. Trimmed, hairy, bald, as long as the person wearing it likes it, it's nobody else's business.

...want's to "deploy exactly the kind of communications networks [the DHS] need." Of course it does.

Hey, why settle for 8-bit art if you want imagination and ambience? Why not ASCII art!? I mean, who doesn't want a 4K monitor for Nethack.

Calling someone an asshole because you don't like what they have to say is going to make a person defensive. Amazing, right?