
There are other styles that are pleasing to the eye that don't cost 3rd world country budgets to develop. 2d vector graphic sprites for instance, or hand drawn cell art, as another.

Wow, Tkleth calls me an asshole for suggesting 8-bit graphics looks like shit, says I'm a troll and mocking (how do you mock an inanimate bit of software anyway?) this game, I call him out on that and now here you are bitching about my response, but not a word about his. It's so tragic how many people have such thin

It's amazing how butt-hurt you are about someone voicing their opinion. Hopefully you live in a vacuum where no one ever disagrees with you.

Until there's a restriction on the website that says "Hey, only comment if you want to give this game a hand job and call it Christmas!" then I've got the right to critique the games choice of graphics and that I won't buy a game I might otherwise have liked because of it.

When cell shading was first introduced, it did look pretty bad. But! It had room to improve, and has done so. 8-Bit will never be better than what it is, and was best on the hardware of the era it was originally created.

You know, there's no reason they couldn't have made a 2D isometric game without using 8-bit style sprites. They could have done something like The Banner Saga. There's also the problem that games that choose to go the 8-bit graphics direction are forced to make an 8-big user interface to match, and trying to read

Let's see, for one thing, CRT's were interlaced, only displaying half of the image on half of it's pixel rows at a time. This meant that the coders of old games could use that fact to keep their graphics at half resolution and save memory on the cartridges. The phosphorous glow of the pixels was taken advantage of

The problem with that, is that originally 8/16-bit games ran on a TV set, often at 320x240 and used a number of tricks inherent in the hardware to fill out the 640x480 TV resolution.

The problem is 8-bit/16-bit looks like shit.

Yes! God knows I built an i5 with 16GBs of RAM and an nVidia GTX 760 PRECISELY so I can play the shit out of a highly pixelated RPG game..

Roman structures don't typically have tons of salt slush dumped on them every year or thousands of automobiles traveling over them every day. Also, if they didn't need maintenance now and then, they wouldn't be in ruins.

What, really, that's the worst that can happen? Getting cheated on or divorced? How about catching an STD? Ooor getting killed by some jealous lover you never met before? Your concept of 'worst' is pretty shallow.

At the time of the Roman empires, the people's from that region were darker complected Mediterraneans. They had more in common with Egyptians than North Europeans. This is the problem when you view history through today's perceptions.

Romans, today, might be considered part of the OP's 'white Europeans' but historically they, and indeed most Europeans in general, were considered separate races. Thus the Britons, the Germanics, the Franks, etc etc. Perhaps learn a bit about historical racism, eh?

Umm Mongols are not white, they're Asian. Romans are not white either. They are considered 'white' now, much like (some) Jews, but they are distinctly Mediterranean and at the time of their empire they were as much of an invading species to the Germanic peoples as matters for this discussion.

White Europeans when they met the Mongols. White Europeans when they met the Romans.

A total of... ZERO Native American Languages! Is this shit even in sign language? WHARRGARBLEGARBLE RACISTS!

When you have to drive out of the urban areas to get to a farm, you've already spent more in gas money than you will earn for that days labor, so right off the bat expecting the largest labor pool to just go farming isn't going to make economic sense to anyone other than a teabagging bootstrapper or some idiot who's

I'll tell you why "creative types" choose Apple. "Creative types" are snobs. Pure and simple. Everything in their lives has to be pretentious and holier than though. It's how you can nail some trash to a plank, call it ART and sell it for a million dollars, because a bunch of other snobby assholes go along with it

You know what, no. Because you're lazy that's why. LAZY.