
That means you are Vader and David Tracy IS in fact, Palpatine..

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For those that would like more information about heat pumps:

I don’t think this requires the use of geothermal ground wells does it? Almost all heat pumps simply exchange heat with the ambient air don’t they?

Pilots - and the FAA - take all this incredibly seriously. This guy was getting roasted within a day of posting his video. Granted he didn’t exactly plan the crime of the century here.

Not all of us are crooks! Our average profit per vehicle for 2021 was around 2500 bucks, which is about the same as the pre-covid normal. We did go from selling an average of about 40 cars a month to almost 100, thanks to all the other car pigs blowing people out of the big city dealers and forcing customers to

“Gets off easy” = “was subjected to the maximum penalty that the FAA can administer and may be subject to criminal charges in the future.”

I have no idea why Professor Xavier doesn't just walk out of the interrogation or why Storm is wearing those weird clothes but either way I don't like the way Marvel is handing these characters.

With time running out before the launch of the Europa Mission, Picard and Guinan must free themselves from FBI custody.

Helen Mirren answered, “I think you will, actually,” when The Wrap asked if fans will see her in Fast & Furious 10.

I find it interesting that socialism is always portrayed as in opposition to capitalism. When really capitalism cannot exist without socialism. Pure capitalism without social rules and structure would be anarchy. Social rules and infrastructure are what allow capitalism to thrive and take us in the direction we want

Well now he’s the only acceptable casting for Mephisto, great, thanks, nice job!

I am just going to assume that Tom Ellis is voicing the cat that’s actually the Devil because he’s been typecast and he will never again play another role that is not Satan / Lucifer / the Devil

Would have been the perfect Quibi show. (Meaning it would have been over budgeted garbage)

Maybe they should just release Blair Witch 3.0 as a series of TikTok style videos in portrait mode, for “verisimilitude.” Less likely to induce motion sickness on a tiny screen.

This comment is too special to dismiss. Bless you.

When talking about plastics and recycling I forgot who said it, but it sums it up well...

You bring up a point, but it wasn’t maintenance work that brought the bridge down. It was a design error compounded by lack of maintenance work. The additional point load of the construction materials vs. the off balance weight of vehicles on the other side of the bridge didn’t help and likely caused the failing point.

I hate this take. Human beings are animals and will pick the most cheap and convenient option put in front of them as an impulse without thinking of the consequence. Finger-wagging at the general public won't solve the problem. They put those refrigerators by the cash register on purpose, tired thirsty shoppers will

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It’s not the first time. Remember when Bill Nye sang the praises of fossil fuels and “clean coal” in a Disney ride sponsored by Exxon Mobil?

Ezra Miller is nearly 30 years old.