
Waking up on the bottom of the ocean with your family is a pretty ironclad clause in an NDA if you ask me.  One the courts won’t decide...

The entire Midwest now has these idiots, can confirm in Michigan too.

It got so bad that areas around Lansing (Okemos in particular) have actually delayed the left turn flashing red signal 3 seconds after the other straight lanes get their green to stop this.

I am by no means an expert in this field, but with cursory knowledge of the general process I believe that Neon/Helium air separation units have an exclusive high pressure tank process that then produces low-quality O2 as a byproduct. Maybe if you have the 2-tank process before the O2 production this could be an

In Michigan 2-day is almost an afterthought, I have been a lot in 1-day.

In Michigan 2-day is almost an afterthought, I have been a lot in 1-day.

Got blinded by one just this past weekend from a truck on the other side of the divided highway.

Cleaning the seals that connect around the window helps, don’t use regular soap as this can further dry out the seals. I have had success with 303 refreshing the seals (along with reviving plastic fade on panels) if applied every 3 months or so. I use it whenever I do a full head to tail handwash.

I can’t remember where I read this, but someone looked at the aero and if they would have put handles in the Model 3 the side-view mirrors would have hidden it.

Did you leave the window open when you got out, Bo and Luke Duke style?

That is a fantastic scale, I will have to check him out.

Thanks man, it’s nice to converse on this topic without people immediately going to the extremes - at least in this small part of the thread. 

That is good you are well trained and have a healthy sense of responsibility and safety, I wish more had that. Unfortunately we are in the minority on gun owners that have any sort of training or safety. CCL classes do have avoidance in their class, one of my instructors was a retired MI State Police special weapons

I can confirm this from personal experience. During my 3 tours in the USMC we were all programmed for constant threat assessment and high situational awareness. After coming home I couldn’t have my back to the door of a restaurant, I looked into every random civilian’s eyes for intent, and generally had my guard up in

Awesome, a slider that engages in “Asshole Mode”:

The article makes the closer comparison to the Bronco Sport, not the full Bronco.

That’s awful, I would probably never remote start then if I don’t have a button on the keychain - subscription or not.

That is pretty common, my Jeep has that if you want to use the app on a subscription basis.

They can also only hold 5 gal of fuel and go less than 65mph. There isn’t a huge demand for it since it’s basically a dirt bike in the sky.

What pieces of hardware did they put subscriptions on?

That is pretty much the OnStar model, and I think that program is sunsetting next year.