
Yes, but in Epcot you can drink around the world.

Very well done. I wonder if this is their way of extending character meet and greets for non-human characters - Remote controlled puppets instead of humans in smelly suits.

Then they face the same issue comics always face with a universe with Superman: him (or her) just coming in and saving the day in two seconds. Think of all that Arrow and The Flash have faced and how quickly Supergirl mops that up. Hell, you got a taste of it in Arrow season 3 when Barry came in and rescued them from

Weird, you assume none of these people had kids or grandkids?

This would be much more interesting if we didn’t have Alaska. Like, yeah, its a thing. Get over yourself Europe, you ain’t special!

Zuck, you can either allow Facebook to be a completely user-driven experience, or you can be a news organization. But if you plump for the latter then it means deciding on an editorial direction for what you allow for, and ‘anything goes’ doesn’t fucking count, at least not if you want to have anything in the way of

So, once I got shut down trying to buy the NES yesterday. I remembered that I had this tucked away in a cabinet somewhere. Wireless controllers, and you can use the old Genesis cartriges! Played streets of rage for a few hours last night with some freinds. I think I bought it at a grocery store years ago for like 30

If you follow his actual podcasts and articles, he’s openly admitted that statistics did not predict the Trump win. It would be more worrisome if he predicted a win despite the math saying against it.

On the other hand, you’re bloggers who “Spend the Day Ripping Lines From Reddit,” so let’s call it even.

When you exercise your power as an electorate and block the actions of profit-driven companies who try to stop you, you can have municipally owned fiber.

Given that Luke Cage was about 5 hours of decent TV stuffed kicking and screaming into 13 hour long episodes perhaps they should concentrate more on a great story than worrying about pleasing the SJW crowd.

Ohh that naughty naughty Stranger Things for only having white male directors. Oh aren’t they evil.

Be honest with me. Which would excite you more? This announcement, knowing that your favorite franchises are coming around for another try on substandard, gimmicky hardware, or if Nintendo announced today that all their first party games were going to be on PS4, Xbone, and PC?

Yes- I was just thinking of Geocities! I remember using that way back in the day, in the late ‘90s when I was in 7th and 8th grade just learning how to teach myself to code HTML and CSS. GoPlay was another service I remember using that was somewhat similar.

I also remember a site called Bolt. It had nothing to do with

the fact that people think that is a good comparison makes me genuinely embarrassed for their intellect.

I believe that Thiel was a fucking dipshit plutocrat for suing Gawker out of business, ruining Daluerio’s life, and threatening other media outlets.

Good, because there’s nothing worse than living in a bloody echo chamber.

They SHOULD stand behind him. Political beliefs should not disqualify someone from serving whatever professional beliefs they have. I think Thiel is horrible for his attacks on a free press, but supporting Trump is someone’s right even if it’s stupid..

Good. This new McCarthyism is poison to any society that values free expression of ideas. I don’t want to live in a country where an employer needs to ask “Are you now or have you ever been a Donald Trump supporter?”

It also explains our general lack of language skills. Language learning is often more of a necessity thing rather than some noble search for knowledge. In much of Europe, you can drive a couple of hours and be in another country. You can’t do that in most of the U.S. I’ve always said that if Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky