
The first time I saw TLJ I didn’t hate it but I was disappointed that it didn’t line up with the movie I thought it was going to be. Then I spent a couple of days processing the whole thing and I let go of my preconceived pet theories and watched the movie for a second time and was able to enjoy it for what it is. Now

I’ve become an ardent defender of the movie over the last week since seeing it, but I do have to admit I felt weird coming out of the theater. But I found myself liking it more and more the more I thought about it, the opposite about how I felt with The Force Awakens. I need to see it again, but The Last Jedi is such

Exactly this. All anybody could talk about was “it’s going to be a beat-for-beat rehash of Empire” and when it ended up being very different people got mad.

That’s every fan base out there. Music, TV, film, etc. Sort of like when a band releases a lot of albums over time with certain stylings...

avclub (they’re right over there!) has reported on an alt right group that’s claiming to have created this “controvery”. Several other venues have reported on the suspicious nature of the metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes ratings. Commenters here keep asking “wait what” every time you guys rotely report that this film

It feels like a slightly bigger Vita if you’re using it as a handheld, which is how I usually play it. The Vita is probably more ergonomic thanks to some of its contours, but the Switch has more surface area to wrap your hands around. My biggest knock on it is the lack of true d-pad on the left-side joycon. Some

But social media postings are not testimonial in any sense of the word, nor are they remotely secure. When you hand in documents to the government or you give verbal testimony, you attest to their truth and completeness. No one tells the whole or real story on social media, which is the important thing here. Not only

Are our attention spans and memories so bad that we’ve all just forgotten bout the crap the IRS pulled around the time of the 2012 election, or was everyone just OK with it because it happened under a popular Democrat President? If the tables were turned and the trump administration (using the term administration

The IRS already targets people who favor lower taxes. The Tea Party people have been complaining about it for years.

Okay, that reply was a bit overdone. Guy just states some feedback on a thing he’s been noticing and you nail down on him hard, bit uncalled for. Guy didn’t even swear or general ‘git gud’ comments - feedback’s a part of life. You don’t have to agree with him but this was a bit overkill : )

Since I don’t really have a horse in this race, I’m going Team Mayo. Because Mayo is easier to make puns out of and Pearl > Marina.

I am loving splatoon 2 but I hate having to watch the dumb stage introductions every time I start the game. I don’t care about the two idol characters at all and it takes way more time than it should to get into game because of them.

Came here to say the same exact thing. The only character in the DCCU that they could maybe say that about is Wonder Woman and even then it’s a stretch

And all they had to was, copy Marvel. ;)

The shit that makes me laugh is that the author put the time in on a 40 character list just to create one more vehicle to say “Miles is valid”.

Ugh, the fact that number 1 is wrong leads me to believe there are other inaccuracies throughout the list. Oh well, won’t ruin Spidey at the Alamo tonight anyway