
Let’s not forget that it also produced one of the best Batman movies in Mast of the Phantasm.

You are, of course, correct. However, I doubted bringing that up would get much traction.

But they are protected by the first amendment. This presents the frightening scenario where the IRS could target people who favor lower taxes as “suspicious.” The IRS should built its audit cases only on problematic filings, not on the honest opinions of the public.

Meanwhile, I’ve been enjoying Renew Your Vows. If you want to read a good Spider-Man story, that’s the one to get.

Which of the D.C. Animated Movies is that screen from?

What a fantastic development. The next most important step will be to start automatically filtering hate speech. You know, that stuff that Republicans usually say.

Not to mention the Japanese soldiers who literally continued fighting a guerilla war for decades after because the either didn’t hear about Japan’s surrender or didn’t believe it.

Well, maybe next time Japan will play nice with other people’s harbors.

And it gets even better when you consider that it was not the first, but the second defenestration of Prague that started the 30 Years War.

Perhaps because this whole episode smacks of the Left’s new version of McCarthyism? It’s an all-or-nothing call to join in the celebration of changing social mores that leaves no room for dissent and disproportionately punishes those those who fail to toe the “social justice” party line.

Interesting extension. I spend a lot more time on Google Docs than I thought.

Alan, I've been following Lifehacker for a few years now and your setup is always my favorite when this series rolls around. It's nice and nerdy and similar to how I want my setup to be once I finish my graduate degree.

Please let it have Qi charging built in and expandable SD card storage. Please.

Amazon has looked like this for me for some time now. I find it no better nor worse than the previous layout.

I'm not sure about the answers to all of your questions, but I thought I should make you aware of something. One reason Nintendo recommends that parents update the Wii U before Christmas is that the servers get swamped on Christmas day with everyone opening their new consoles and updating them. That means you may

Except the map above reflects rates of infection per 100,000 people. Your argument would make sense if we were talking about absolute numbers because of course more populous places would have more infected people. Instead, the numbers are per capita, meaning New York and Illinois are doing quite poorly.

Yeah, he lived pretty close to St. George.

I always figured you for more of an Android guy, Whitson. Or are you talking about jailbreaking a non-iPhone iOS device?

My uncle lived close to the Nevada Test Site and as a consequence was exposed to extraordinary amounts of fallout from the government's nuclear tests. He died in his early 40s in the 1990s of a rare form of cancer that is depressingly common in "downwinders" - the people who lived down wind of the fallout during

It's interesting to see how Russia's demographic trends have begun to reverse its historical position in Europe. One hundred years ago people spoke about the Russian bear much like people speak about China now. It was a behemoth with a nearly limitless number of people spread over a gargantuan area ready to reap