
Well, I can tell you one thing that has changed. Serious students pursuing degrees in hard sciences have to study in locked rooms so that BLM people will not barge in and scream at them. And the environment on campus is like that in China in the early days of the Cultural Revolution. At any time you could find

If you are asked an illegal question, and you are not secretly taping the interview, then suck it up and answer it. In this economy you can’t afford not to, and unless you are taping it (which is probably illegal, it is in most jurisdictions) it is your word against the interviewer who only has to say that another

Battle mode on MK8 is the worst of them all. But for racing it’s the best of em all.

We always laughed first when our daughter fell, or cheered, and we never had issues with her being upset by falling. A few times she was hurt, and we took care of her, but she never had histrionics or panic out of line with her injuries. Now, verging on her teens, she got a bad bone bruise catching in a softball game

YES! I look for them as often as I can, but I'd love for more women to post in our Flickr pool!

Can we get some more bags from women?

Another night of productivity RUINED by you Alan... Now I have to replicate this one with Geektool, its about once a month you find yet another desktop I must have.

by default I think it comes across port 24800. So unless your running UPnP, then you might need to open that port up.

Dips and Pull-ups are by far the best body weight exercises for anyone looking to improve upper-body strength and size. The many variations of pull-ups allow you to hit almost any of the muscles in the back and arms. Dips provide a stretch/ROM that is hard to replicate in another exercise and provide another way to

That tends to flucuate. Magical spells that produce something (fire, lightning, ice, etc.) tend to affect him while magically induced powers (super strength, speed, etc) gets treated the same as 'normal' super strength.

VOTE: KeePass - I use in addition to LastPass. Keepass is my master password file while LastPass contains a subset for daily use. One of the features includes attaching files to the password entry... great for those QR codes for two-factor authentication.

There are other features of Inbox (and we'll get to them), but these are the primary ways you're meant to deal with emails. You either need it now, you need it later, or you don't need it. Seems pretty straightforward.