
As much as I hate people who spread hate and idiocy through the world using the net, this article needs correction to what it is really about, “Tech Giants Quietly Automate Process to Remove Unapproved Speach from Sites.”

Kudos to Gizmodo for giving this issue a serious examination. I admit that I would have predicted a Gawker site to participate in the very same hide-newsworthy-conservative-subjects editorializing that apparently Facebook did. Thanks for proving me wrong.

Well, I can tell you one thing that has changed. Serious students pursuing degrees in hard sciences have to study in locked rooms so that BLM people will not barge in and scream at them. And the environment on campus is like that in China in the early days of the Cultural Revolution. At any time you could find

The Japanese military wasn’t able to fight any more in August 1945? Somebody definitely forgot to tell the several million Japanese soldiers who were continuing to fight, huh?


Because Gawker. Probably saw it on some other site and didn’t do any research to check the facts.

Not to mention that far more civilians would have died if we had invaded Japan than the number that died at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Over 250,000 had already died in the bombing of Tokyo.

Believe it or not, dropping those bombs probably saved more lives than they cost. My grandfather was going to be a part of the invasion of Japan and they were told that they should expect a 50% casualty rate and were given 3 days leave to go say goodbye to their families if they could get home in that time. Right

Vitriolic debate about the use of nuclear weapons in WWII in 3... 2... 1...

If you are asked an illegal question, and you are not secretly taping the interview, then suck it up and answer it. In this economy you can’t afford not to, and unless you are taping it (which is probably illegal, it is in most jurisdictions) it is your word against the interviewer who only has to say that another

“You can’t conduct a shadow war in the Ukraine without a good understanding of where the border lies.”

If you’re gonna repost XKCD might as well add the alt-text to the image...

Battle mode on MK8 is the worst of them all. But for racing it’s the best of em all.

We always laughed first when our daughter fell, or cheered, and we never had issues with her being upset by falling. A few times she was hurt, and we took care of her, but she never had histrionics or panic out of line with her injuries. Now, verging on her teens, she got a bad bone bruise catching in a softball game

yes I know, except that when you add up all the wars of the last 2000 years they don’t equal the wars of the most bloody century of all the 20th were nonbelievers killed more people than any of the other wars totaled.

It just takes away from that death, and it really shouldn’t. It’s still a gut-wrenching moment, the guy died (and sorry, Whedon, but Coulson isn’t still dead in the movie universe. They’ve made it clear that TV gets effected all the time by the movie universe. You’re thinking of the DC universe that the TV shows don’t

wait... is that price considered cheap for a cell plan? I have been out of the country for too long...

Yeah, there was some major Idiot Ball passing this episode. For example:
