
Lawrence of Arabia. The vistas of the desert are stunning and should be seen on the biggest screen you can.

Or we could remember that Captain America is more an aspirational ideal and less a perfect reflection of America?

Interesting article, although there's something very off-putting about reading about Aldrin's taking of communion - likely a sacred experience for him - and then skipping to a paragraph about urination. Maybe reversing the order of the two paragraphs would make it less coarse?

One terrible aspect of Lyme Disease is that there was a relatively effective vaccine against it, but the anti-vaccine movement got it pulled from the market for unsubstantiated claims that it caused arthritis. http://m.historyofvaccines.org/content/articl…

World of cardboard scene for the win! That moment paid better tribute to Superman's powers than almost anything else I've come across.

This so much. Encountering the delusional thisisthinprivilege blog motivated me to lose fifty pounds (22.7 kg).

So this is the water God tapped to flood the earth for Noah, right?

And yet for someone with claustrophobia a CT scanner - even one without casing - is immensely less terrifying than the body-confining and entrapping MRI.

I've been looking for a torrent or a way to purchase the Thanks sitcom for years now. Back in the 1990s Thanks was briefly on the air and was a spoof of Puritan life mixed with modern ideas. I remember it being hilarious and would love to see how it has held up. Information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thanks_(T…

As a word of warning, the regulatory environment for services like Air BnB is looking a little bit shaky. In particular, if you live in New York, there's a good chance that you will find yourself subject to the state's hospitality taxes. Worse yet, your business would still likely be considered illegal even though

I'm chronologically 28 years-old, but according to the calculator, I'm "younger than 20." However, my posterior tibial tendons feel like they belong to a 50-year-old.

I own the Seagate GoFlex drive. So far it's been fairly reliable, though it's hard to tell given that it's fairly new. Still, it's hard to beat the prices listed here.

*sigh* I'd love to join the Mavericks update bandwagon, but some critical applications aren't supported yet. *cough*exam4.com*cough* Stupid law school.

Andrew, could you elaborate a little more by what you meant by China's disdain of Keynesian theory? My understanding of Keynes is that he argued for government deficit spending during times of recession and government surplus during times of economic expansion. Without getting too technical with sticky wages, a

It almost looks like some of the offices I've seen in 18th century plantation houses and palaces. I love it.

Absolutely not. Each new revelation about how far the NSA has gone is more disturbing than that last. The sheer volume of NSA articles should have you more upset, not less.

I just thought I'd throw this out there for anyone on the fence about trying it: I got it working with my Verizon iPhone 5 and my old Verizon iPhone 4. So far it's working like a charm.

I remember the day this thing burned down. I lived just a few blocks away at the time and it was rather sad. It's good to see its restoration progressing.

iOS does have a perfectly good version of Google maps.....

No one is tricking you. There was indeed time travel in what was otherwise an angsty drama. Because J.J. Abrams.