
I still find it amusing that Siri considers Marriott Resorts a hopeless place.

It's sad to see this service go. It means that if I ever go back to using a dumb phone my life will be slightly less convenient.

While I was never enthused with skeumorphism, I'm less worried about that than the ability to quickly change my phone's settings. Jailbreaking just to install SBSettings or NCSettings (my favorite) is getting a little ridiculous.

As a devoted capitalist and lover of laissez faire, even I have my limits. Geographic regional identity for the win.

You might want to convince your son to buy the rabbit ears anyway. They're still a pretty good way to get free(ish) HDTV.

It looks like some people won't be getting on Westlaw anytime soon.

This. This so much. I've yet to find an acceptably-priced Thunderbolt accessory.

That's fair enough. Even if the South Vietnamese government was a wreck and America's policy was in Vietnam was completely misguided, however, I do think it's a stretch to say that the victorious North Vietnamese government did anything close to "liberating."

Clearly not the people of South Vietnam.

"Liberation" of Da Nang, or capture, enslavement, and subjugation to the second-worst Southeast Asian communist regime?

Is there a reason you had to lower yourself to personal insults? It's rather sad.

True, but changing laws means more work for lawyers. Assuming you went to law school, would you find that a bad thing?

All Quiet on the Western Front had a pretty pulpy cover once, didn't it?

Wait! You can still upgrade to iOS 6.1.2. You just need to download the right IPSW file and then point iTunes to it. Redmond Pie, a pretty reputable site for Jailbreak downloads, has iOS 6.1.2 available for download here: http://www.redmondpie.com/download-ios-6.1.2-for-iphone-ipad-ipod-touch-direct-links/.

It's really sad to see Young Justice go, but I'm fairly certain that Cartoon Network was not a good home for it. It probably needed to be among more "mature" shows.

Not that $29,000 is anything to sniff at (I certainly don't have that much to throw around!), but it surprised me how little DC charged for a custom print run with its premier character. I doubt they'd do it for so little today.

Has anyone tried this? If so, what results did you get? I just tried going to the linked website and WOT gave me a big red warning that it's a "dangerous" site. That makes me paranoid about installing it on my phone, but I'd be interested in knowing if anybody else has had a good experience with it.

I've actually driven on the 3H a few times and I must say that it's incredibly impressive. These others look great to though.

Ah, South American imperialism/jingoism. I suppose the Islanders are just jumping to join Argentina. Oh wait, what's that? They're NOT? Well then, maybe you should get used to the fact that the people there want to stay British and start calling the islands the Falklands.

It's interesting (sad? pathetic? small?) to watch so many commenters say that Mormonism isn't victimized and then to lay into the faith with full-throated bigotry. Hypocritical much, Kotaku community?